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Urkaz edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 7 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

How to enable the plugin

Open Unreal Engine, click on Edit > Plugins, and search for "Unused Node Cleaner". Check the Enabled checkbox and restart the engine.

Why can't I use the "Hide unrelated" Unreal feature while using the "Hide unused" feature from the plugin?

The plugin uses the same engine functionality to fade out the unused nodes as the engine "Hide unrelated" feature. For this reason, having both enabled at the same time is not possible as that may cause some problems visualizing the nodes.

A note regarding Composite Nodes (aka Collapsed Graphs)

Composite Nodes add different extra levels of complexity to the graphs, adding graphs inside graphs, inside other graphs, etc. For this reason, the results obtained when using the plugin may not be optimal if the Composite Nodes mix different execution paths, events, or variable routes.

The plugin follows these rules when analyzing Composite Nodes:

  • A Composite Node will never be removed if its graph or another Composite node inside contains an Event Node.
  • If a Composite Node doesn't have some Exec pin (in or out), it is treated as a function node (blue nodes) and it should follow the same rules.
  • If a Composite Node doesn't have Exec pins, it is treated as a pure node (green nodes) and it should follow the same rules.
  • If a Composite Node is considered as unused, the Node with all subgraphs will be removed, otherwise, the Node and its contents won't be affected by any operation.

If you see any Composite Node breaking some of the rules above or some other bug, please open a new Bug Report with a screenshot of the Composite Node with all the input and output pins, and detailed information of its contents.

NOTE: Even if the graph doesn't have Composite Nodes, I always recommend previewing the execution paths by toggling on "Hide Unused" before using "Clean Graph".

How can I make "Unused Node Cleaner" to be enabled by default on every project?

Find the plugin installation folder (it should be something like C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.27\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\UnusedNodeCleaner.

Open the UnusedNodeCleaner.uplugin file with your preferred text editor and add "EnabledByDefault": true, below the line "Installed": true,.

I have the plugin enabled but the buttons are not there.

The "Niagara Editor", "Metasound Graphs" and other advanced graphs are currently not supported, but they may receive support in future updates. If you find any other editor that doesn't have the plugin buttons or doesn't work, please open a new Bug Report.

The plugin fails to compile...

Please open a new Bug Report with all the details.

How can I help you with the plugin?

If you want to give some feedback or request a new feature, open a new Feature request with all the details. Also, recommend the plugin if you like it and write a review in the Unreal Marketplace :)