This project aims to predict sales of products at different Big Mart outlets. It utilizes a comprehensive machine learning pipeline, including data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, model training, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation.
The project utilizes the following libraries:
- numpy: For numerical operations.
- pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
- os: For operating system related functionalities.
- datetime: For date and time operations.
- matplotlib & seaborn: For data visualization.
- scikit-learn: For machine learning models and evaluation metrics.
- catboost, lightgbm, xgboost: For gradient boosting models.
- pickle: For saving and loading models.
The input data is assumed to be a CSV file named Train.csv
in the /content/
directory of a Google Colab environment.
The project follows these steps:
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Examines unique values in each column.
- Checks for duplicates.
- Identifies missing values.
- Gathers basic data information.
Data Cleaning:
- Handles missing values in 'Item_Weight' using mean imputation based on 'Item_Identifier'.
- Addresses missing values in 'Outlet_Size' using mode imputation based on 'Outlet_Type'.
- Replaces zero values in 'Item_Visibility' with the column mean.
- Corrects inconsistencies in 'Item_Fat_Content' categories.
- Creates a new feature 'New_Item_Type' from 'Item_Identifier'.
- Modifies 'Item_Fat_Content' for 'Non-Consumables'.
- Creates 'Outlet_Years' feature representing the outlet's age.
Data Visualization:
- Generates bar plots for various categorical features (e.g., 'Item_Fat_Content', 'Item_Type', 'Outlet_Establishment_Year').
- Visualizes the distribution of 'Item_Weight' using a distplot.
- Displays a correlation heatmap for numerical features.
Data Preprocessing:
- Label encodes categorical columns.
- Performs one-hot encoding on specified columns.
- Splits the data into training and testing sets.
Model Training and Evaluation:
- Trains various regression models (Linear Regression, Ridge, Lasso, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Extra Trees, LGBM, XGBoost, and CatBoost).
- Evaluates models using cross-validation and R2 score.
- Visualizes feature importance for tree-based models.
Hyperparameter Tuning:
- Performs RandomizedSearchCV for Random Forest, LGBM, XGBoost, and CatBoost.
- Prints best parameters, best scores, and R2 scores.
- Displays distribution plots of residuals.
Model Selection and Saving:
- Selects the best-performing model (CatBoost Regressor).
- Saves the trained model using pickle for later use.
Model Testing:
- Loads the saved model and evaluates its performance on the full dataset.
- Several features show a strong correlation with sales.
- Tree-based models generally perform better than linear models.
- Hyperparameter tuning improves model accuracy.
- Missing values were imputed using reasonable strategies.
- Some inconsistencies in data required cleaning before modelling.
- Categorical feature engineering added significant value.
The project successfully created a robust sales forecasting model using various regression techniques, with CatBoost regressor delivering the highest performance. The model is ready for deployment.