This is an implementation of the HashMap data structure.
initialization and destruction:
Map * new_map();
creates a new map, returns its pointer.
- first parameter is the initial size
- second parameter is the function to compare keys
- third parameter is the function to generate hashes for keys
void delete_map();
deletes the map
working with a map: the following functions first parameter is always the pointer to an initialized map.
void map_put();
creates a new entry in the map
- second parameter is the key
- third parameter is the value
returns nothing.
void *map_get();
gets the value from an entry
- second parameter is the key of an entry
returns NULL
if entry not found for key
void *map_remove();
removes an entry from the map
- second parameter is the key of an entry
returns the value of the entry after remove,
returns NULL
if entry not found.
int map_contains();
returns if an entry was found for the given key.
- second parameter is the key of an entry
returns true if an entry was found, false otherwise.
int map_isempty();
returns true if the given map is empty, returns false if not.
the following example uses strings as key and value
#include "HashArray.h"
int strhash(char *str){
int hash = 1, i;
for(i = 0; s[i]; i++){
hash = (hash * 10) + s[i];
return hash;
int main(){
Map *mymap = new_map(10, strcmp, strhash);
printf("is the map empty? -%s", map_isempty(mymap) ? "yes" : "no");
//put an element in the map:
map_put(mymap, "key", "value");
printf("%s\n", map_get("key"));
printf("is the map empty? -%s", map_isempty(mymap) ? "yes" : "no");
map_remove(mymap, "key");
printf("%s\n", map_get("key"));
printf("is the map empty? -%s", map_isempty(mymap) ? "yes" : "no");
return 0;