viz.js the JavaScript Library with API Support for VIZ blockchain
Here is full documentation:
$ npm install viz-js-lib --save
Online library minify js available in jsDelivr CND and Unpkg CDN.
<script src="./viz.min.js"></script>
viz.api.getAccounts(['ned', 'dan'], function(err, response){
console.log(err, response);
apt-get install -y webpack
apt-get install -y npm
apt-get install -y git
npm install -g n
n v8.4.0
git clone
cd viz-js-lib/
npm install
npm run build-browser
ls dist
Library support 2 transport types: ws, wss for websocket and http, https for pure HTTP JSONRPC. Examples:
var viz = require('viz-js-lib');//nodejs lib
var wif = viz.auth.toWif(username, password, 'regular');, voter, author, permlink, weight, function(err, result) {
console.log(err, result);
viz.api.getAccounts(['ned', 'dan'], function(err, result) {
console.log(err, result);
Patches are welcome! Contributors are listed in the package.json file. Please run the tests before opening a pull request and make sure that you are passing all of them. If you would like to contribute, but don't know what to work on, check the issues list.
When you find issues, please report them!