To build and run the command line interpreter with Nix flakes, run
$ nix run github:VUISIS/formula-dotnet
To build the command line interpreter, run the following commands from Src/CommandLine.
$ dotnet build CommandLine.sln /p:Configuration=Debug|Release /p:Platform=x64
$ dotnet ./bin/<Configuration>/<OS>/<PLATFORM>/net6.0/CommandLine.dll
For native ARM64 builds on Mac OS X run nuget add before restore and build:
$ dotnet nuget add source --username USERNAME --password GITHUB_TOKEN --store-password-in-clear-text --name github ""
$ dotnet build CommandLineARM.sln /p:Configuration=Debug|Release /p:Platform=ARM64
$ dotnet ./bin/<Configuration>/<OS>/<PLATFORM>/net6.0/CommandLine.dll
To run unit tests with Formula, run the following command from Src/Tests.
$ dotnet test Tests.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug|Release /p:Platform=x64|ARM64
For specific tests
$ dotnet test Tests.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug|Release /p:Platform=x64|ARM64 --filter "FullyQualifiedName=<NAMESPACE>.<CLASS>.<METHOD>"
You can exit the command line interpreter with the "exit" command.