This is an implementation of MS-GSP algorithm in Java. It can extract frequent patterns from a bunch of sequences. MS-GSP is introduced in the following book for mining sequential patterns:
Bing Liu, "Web Data Mining - Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data", P 43-49, Springer, 2011.
MS-GSP is an extension of GSP algorithm which can support multiple minimum supports. Original GSP is proposed in the following paper:
Ramakrishnan Srikant and Rakesh Agrawal, "Mining Sequential Patterns: Generalizations and Performance Improvements", EDBT, 1996.
To run the code, you should give the input and output files to the main file ( with the command line arguments as:
java Program <parameter file> <data file> <output file>
Examples of the parameter and input files are given along with the code. The formats are straightforward. These examples can be given to the program as:
java Program params.txr inputdata.txt out.txt
Note: This code is written by Me and Nick Green.