Terraform module to spin up a digital ocean droplet & install tailscale in a single command 🎉
The resulting droplet is enabled as an exit node which can be used as a VPN.
- Single idempotent command
- Support for multiple configurations
- Firewall blocking all inbound traffic except https & icmp for tailscale
How it works:
- Terraform creates droplet
- Terraform runs ansible playbook to install & enable tailscale via SSH
- Terraform creates firewall to prevent further non-tailscale access.
- Digital Ocean account
- Tailscale account
- terraform CLI installed
- ansible CLI installed
- Install the unofficial tailscale ansible package
ansible-galaxy install artis3n.tailscale
Auto approve: https://tailscale.com/kb/1018/acls/#auto-approvers-for-routes-and-exit-nodes
Login into the tailscale web console and enable the exit node manually (after creation).
- Generate a tailscale auth key at https://login.tailscale.com/admin/settings/authkeys
- Generate DigitalOcean personal access token at https://cloud.digitalocean.com/account/api/tokens
- Add your public SSH key https://cloud.digitalocean.com/account/security and make sure the name matches that supplied in the
terraform arg (defaults topersonal
) - Create a
and import the module (see variables.tf for all available options). For example:variable "do_token" { sensitive = true } variable "tailscale_authkey" { sensitive = true } module "vpn" { source = "github.com/VanceLongwill/tailscale-terraform-vpn" region = "lon1" instance_name = "my-vpn" ssh_key_name = "personal" ssh_private_key = "~/.ssh/id_ed25519" tailscale_authkey = var.tailscale_authkey do_token = var.do_token }
- Run
terraform init
- Run terraform to create the server and run the ansible playbook
terraform apply \ -var "do_token=<your-digital-ocean-access-token-here>" \ -var "tailscale_authkey=<your-tailscale-authkey-here>"