Wallpaper changer utility which can change wallpaper by sun's altitude, and only on linux set gnome dynamic wallpapers(without smooth transitions). Available in AUR
If you are using Arch-based system you can install it from AUR
yay -S solarbg
Else you can install it via npm
npm i -g solarbg
Usage on Linux
solarbg [-m | --mode] [-t | --theme] [-l | --location]
Usage on Windows(mode is always solar)
solarbg [-t | --theme] [-l | --location]
Linux: ~/.local/share/solarbg/themes/
Setting solar theme "Desert" and setting your latitude 40 and longitude 45.
solarbg --mode solar --location 40:45 --theme Desert
Setting gnome dynamic wallpaper "Desert"
solarbg --mode gnome --theme Desert
- Create a directory with your theme name in theme directory.
- Put all your wallpaper there.
- Create
file in your theme directory - Here's expamle of theme.json:
"path": "0.png",
"start": -90,
"end": -5
"path": "1.png",
"start": -5,
"end": 20
"path": "2.png",
"start": 20,
"end": 40
"path": "3.png",
"start": 40,
"end": 90
"path": "3.png",
"start": 90,
"end": 20
"path": "4.png",
"start": 20,
"end": -5
"path": "0.png",
"start": -5,
"end": -90
Where "path" is name of image file in the theme folder, "start" is sun's altitude when image is sets as wallpaper and "end" is sun's altitude when image stops to be wallpaper.
Just in case:
-90 altitude is absolute midnight.
from -12 to -6 is nautical twilight
from -6 to 0 is civil twilight
0 is sunrise or sunset
90 altitude is absolute noon