This is Battleship Game in Python.
Try to take down all the enemy ships before enemy sinks all of your ships. Hit and Miss will be marked on the enemy's board by guessing coordinate of where to attack.
- Ships are placed horizontally and vertically only. They cannot be moved once they are placed.
- Player has to guess enemy's corordinate to attack, If at that position enemy's ship is found then hit will be marked else miss.
- Player wins when all enemy's ships are taken down.
Over here there are 3 ships, their length and name are as below: 1. Length:4 Name:Distroyer 2. Length:3 Name:Equalizer 3. Length:2 Name:Tiger of the Ocean
Run Source/server/ file with one command line argument port number on which you want to start the server.
Run Source/client/ file with two command line arguments 1. IP address of server 2. Port number on which server is running.