exprcomp is a toy compiler that takes mathematical expressions as input and produces x86-64 elf executables as output. Input expressions can contain (, ), *, +, and natural numbers. When invoked with an input file as argument, exprcomp produces an executable with the name "program", an object file "program.o", and an assembly file "program.s". exprcomp also prints the abstract syntax tree for the target expression, in a lisp-like representation to stdout every time its run.
For building exprcomp:
- gcc
- Make
I use gcc and GNU Make, but other C compilers and Makes can probably be used.
For running exprcomp:
- ld
- as
- 64-bit Linux system
After generating the assembly file, exprcomp invokes the assembler and linker with the following command:
as -o program.o program.s && ld -o program program.o
Programs created by exprcomp use the write system call to produce output.
$ make
$ echo "(1 + 2) * 40 + 3" > example
$ ./exprcomp example
$ ./program