Releases: Ven0maus/FlowVitae
Releases · Ven0maus/FlowVitae
FlowVitae V1.3.9
- Added support for .net 7.0
- Added ResizeViewport(width, height) method, which resizes the internal screenCells array
- Added overloads to all methods that take 2 parameters one for x and one for y which now take in a tuple (int x, int y)
- Small improvement to center check to exit out sooner
FlowVitae V1.3.8
Removed CTS, which caused issues with Dispose.
Also removed Dispose now as its no longer needed.
FlowVitae V1.3.7
This release contains some improvements to performance, and general nuget config clean up.
FlowVitae V1.3.6
- Added "ChunkInsideViewPort" bool property to ChunkUpdateArgs for chunk loading / unloading
- Added UpdateScreenCells() method which can be used to trigger OnCellUpdate for each cell in the viewport.
FlowVitae V1.3.3
- Overhauled chunking #12
FlowVitae V1.3.2
- Center now works correctly when going diagonally
- Properly initialize screen cells on a procedural Grid constructor
- Improvements to threading and concurrency
- Improved unit tests
FlowVitae V1.3.1
- Stability improvements, code clean up
FlowVitae V1.3.0
- Added StaticGenerator class, to generate static chunked grids
- Changed namespace for the chunk generators, they are now within "Venomaus.FlowVitae.Chunking.Generators"
- GetViewPortWorldCoordinates now returns the positions in the correct order (eg. Position 0, 1 will be in the correct array index when retrieved by Y * Width + X)
- Static grid option in SadConsole host, now properly renders the tiles in the right order with the fix for GetViewPortWorldCoordinates
FlowVitae V1.2.6
- GetCellType now properly returns the correct cell type, even if the converter returns null
- GetCell / GetCells now returns null instead of a fake cell
- Added nullable objects properly so its visible where each null can be
- Added more test coverage
- Updated unity visualizer dll to the latest v1.2.6
FlowVitae V1.2.5
- GetCells can now properly return null cells if a custom converter converts a celltype into a null cell
- Added checks for setting cell that is null
- Added unity visualizer project