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EntitiesExt openupm

Runtime authoring solution for Entities & misc tooling


  • EntityBehaviour - Handles Entity creation and lifecycle that is connected to the MonoBehaviour;
  • IEntitySupplier - Contract which ensures generic workflow when authoring entities from MonoBehaviours;
  • SerializedArchetype - Stores EntityArchetype in uint[] format to be able to serialize / deserialize it as part of MonoBehaviour;
  • ArchetypeLookup - Allows caching deserialized SerializedArchetypes in runtime;
  • EntityReference / ReferencingExt - Allows accessing "main" Entity if there's a need to reference other entity;
  • EntitiesBridge / SystemExt - Contains useful extension methods for MonoBehaviour <-> Entities communication & system utilities;
  • Extra buffers system - Allow to insert MonoBehaviour "Update"s into Entities loop without stalling jobs;
  • EntityTransform - Inserts specified Transform (UnityEngine.Transform) into TransformAccessArray for sync jobs to process (see Transform Synchronization);

How to:

Generate an entity in runtime:

  1. Implement IEntitySupplier inside required MonoBehaviour, ScriptableObject, or any other class you want;
  2. Attach EntityBehaviour to the specified gameObject:
private EntityBehaviour _entityBehaviour;

Declare in OnValidate:

gameObject.SetupEntityBehaviour(ref _entityBehaviour);

Alternatively, you can attach EntityBehaviour to the gameObject manually via Inspector.

  1. Implement GatherEntityTypes to insert types of components that should be added to the generated Entity / EntityArchetype:
      public void GatherEntityTypes(HashSet<Type> types) {
         // Used as an example, for querying over specific MonoBehaviour, not actually required
         types.Add<Rigidbody, ForceTest, RotationTest>();
  1. Implement SetupEntity to generate / add data to the World via EntityCommandBuffer.
      public void SetupEntity(Entity entity, EntityCommandBuffer ecb) {
         // Managed objects can be added by accessing EntityBehaviour:

         // Entity related IComponentData or IBufferElementData can be added via EntityCommandBuffer:
                          new ForceTest
                             Value = _force,

         var buffer = ecb.SetBuffer<RotationTest>(entity);
         buffer.Add(new RotationTest
                       Value = _rotation
  1. (Optional) If you're using custom classes, make sure to call respective GatherEntityTypes / SetupEntity in corresponding manner. E.g. from MonoBehaviour.
  2. Use systems as usual to access / process data. If you need access to the Entity and its data from MonoBehaviours - use according EntityBehaviour methods. EntityBehaviour can also be used to queue up via EntityCommandBuffer structural changes, such as adding / seting / removing components. (See Lifecycle)

Attached component types are displayed via EntityBehaviour inspector. Click on them to open a context menu which can be used to figure out where types are originated from.

How it works:

In editor:

  1. EntityBehaviour processes attached components to the gameObject hierarchy, gathers types required for EntityArchetype to be generated in Editor via GatherEntityTypes (by IEntitySupplier contract). These are serialized from Stable Hash (see TypeManager.GetTypeIndexFromStableTypeHash) in EntityBehaviour as uint[].
  2. Unique hash is generated from each attached component as uint. This hash is used in ArchetypeLookup to ensure O(1) speed for fetching previously generated EntityArchetype(s).

In runtime:

  1. EntityBehaviour creates an entity in OnEnable based on deserialized hashes. (Alternatively, EntityBehaviour.Initialize() method can be called to ensure Entity is initialized in case if OnEnable order is undefined between MonoBehaviours)
  2. At this step all required references to the World, EntityManger and systems & buffer are set;
  3. Stable type hashes & unique hash are passed to the ArchetypeLookup system which either:
  • Generates new EntityArchetype if its not present in the lookup;
  • Or returns previouly generated EntityArchetype based on unique hash;
  1. EntityBehaviour generates an Entity via EntityManager.CreateEntity(EntityArchetype);
  2. EntityBehaviour calls SetupEntity and passes Entity + EntityCommandBuffer to the IEntitySupplier implementation.

Lifecycle (important)

Entities generated by EntityBehaviour exist only if GameObject is enabled. If GameObject which has EntityBehaviour is disabled - OnDisable will be called and according Entity will be Destroy'ed via EntityCommandBuffer.

This may seem inconvinient at first, but at the same time:

  • Its really handy to have completely clean state upon pooling / commissioning MonoBehaviours.
  • Entity is automatically cleaned up for you without triggering structural changes instantly (uses ECB).
  • No way to mess up the state / link between MonoBehaviour / Entities;
  • Extra checks are in place if EntityBehaviour initialization is called on disabled GO to ensure user domain code does not desync state (Error is generated in the Console window)

If you need to stop "Update" use either Entities enableable components feature, or structural changes + system queries to filter out logic that should not run.

Extra systems & execution order: In order to ensure correct execution and prevent job stalls, make sure to use [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AfterSimulationGroup))] for the managed component systems. Alternatively BeforeSimulationGroup can be used.

Changes done to the entities via EntityBehaviour are applied via BeginFrameEntityCommandBufferSystem.
Changes in AfterSimulationGroup should either use AfterSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem or NextFrameEntityCommandBufferSystem

Extended simulation groups:

  • BeginFrameGroup (Changes to Entities from MonoBehaviours are applied here);
  • BeforeSimulationGroup (Should be a main thread group that runs managed component data processing before actual full jobified simulation starts);
  • SimulationGroup (Default simulation group, jobified logic should be placed here);
  • AfterSimulationGroup (Processed changes from SimulationGroup can be applied to MonoBehaviours here);

Transform Synchronization openupm

Required data from UnityEngine.Transform can be read / written to by adding appropriate components to the Entity, either via IEntitySupplier implementation, or by other means. Modifiers of where to sync is applied by components as well.

Make sure to add EntityTransform to your EntityBehaviour setup, rest is handled automatically.

List of data:

  • (Local)Position / (Local)Rotation / LocalScale -> Stores according data
  • Sync(Local)PositionToTransform / Sync(Local)RotationToTransform / SyncLocalScaleToTransform -> Will sync according data from Position / Rotation / Scale to the Transform;
  • SyncPositionToEntity / SyncRotationToEntity -> Syncs Transform.position / Transform.rotation to Position / Rotation
  • SyncUpToTransform -> Syncs UpDirection to transform.up

Other transform manipulation logic can be added by writing appropriate systems, see HybridTransformations/Systems & HybridTransformations/Data.


Master branch is compatible with Unity 2022.3 LTS + Entities 1.0.14;

Currently does not support authoring Entity Graphics or Unity.Physics packages alike out-of-the-box. Manually authoring components and adding according data would work though.

Any issues, suggestions or feature requests can be left either on github, or on Unity forum by link: