A simple pokedex application made using the https://pokeapi.co/ api to learn about Jetpack Compose.
This app is 100% written in Kotlin. MVVM architecture is used with Android Architecture Components and Hilt for dependency injection.
- Search a pokemon using Pokemon name.
- Search a pokemon using Pokemon ID.
- See the stats of a particular Pokemon.
- Coil Image - For loading images.
- Gson - For converting JSON to POJO and vice versa.
- Hilt - For Dependency Injection.
- Navigation - For simplifyed navigation.
- ViewModel - For managing UI data.
- Official Jetpack Compose Documentation (https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/documentation)
- Philipp Lackner Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/PhilippLackner/featured)