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Learning Angular ag-grid

What is angular ag-grid?

  • ag stands for Agnostic which means independent of any framework.
  • ag-Grid provides a feature to display the data in proper grid format with filtering and sorting features already included in it and many more.
  • Ag-grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable javascript data grid.
  • It is mainly used to display table data with rows and columns with datafilters.

Advantages of Ag-grid

  • Support for multiple frameworks with the same API.

  • GUI layer tailored for each framework for the best developer experience and performance.

  • Community Edition is completely free, even for commercial use.

  • Our code is open source so you can review the code as part of your evaluation.

  • Dedicated support team for Enterprise customers.

  • Features no other Data Grid provides like pivoting, grouping, integrated charts.

Step by Step proceudure to utilize ag-grid in angular project

Step 1 : Create your angular project folder

To Create any angular project , first create a folder and go inside the folder

Step 2 : Install angular cli

Type the below command in terminaal to install angular cli

npm install -g @angular/cli  OR
npm i -g @angular/cli  OR
npm install @angular/cli@latest (To leatest version) OR

Step 3 : Generate new project

To generate new project we must type the below command to get all library files from angular

ng new app-name
  • Output screenshot:

Step 4 : Run angular

To run the angular project in your local host : 4200 port type below command

ng serve  (A link will be generated , need to be open the page by clicking the link) OR
ng s OR
ng serve -o (To open directly in browser) OR
ng s -o
  • Sample ScreenShots:

Step 5 : Install ag-grid-community

Instll the ag-grid community by following command

npm install ag-grid-community

Step 6 : Install ag-grid-angular

Instll the ag-grid-angular by following command

npm install ag-grid-angular

Step 7 : Import AgGridModule app.module.ts file

Import the AgGridModule in the module.ts file and also update the imported module in below declarations as follows:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { AgGridModule } from 'ag-grid-angular';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Step 8 : import the styles for ag-grid in style.css

To display the ag-grid in dispay we shoul import the styles in style.css as below:

@import "ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-grid.css";
@import "ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-theme-alpine.css";

Step 9 : Use the grid module in app.component.html

Bind the ag-rid module in html as follows


NOTE : here , class and mentioning width and height is maditory to show the grid data in browser

Step 9 : pass the values for row and columns in app.component.ts

To get the values for the html attribute , we must pass those inapp.component.ts file according to the variables as below:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ColDef } from 'ag-grid-community';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
  rowData : any[] =[
    {make : 'Toyota' , model : 'celino' , price :100000},
    {make : 'Toyota' , model : 'celino' , price :560000},
    {make : 'Toyota' , model : 'celino' , price :450000},

  colDefs : ColDef[] =[
    {field : 'make'},
    {field : 'model'},
    {field : 'price'},


Output :

Obtaining the row data from api using http

Step 1 : import HttpClientModule

First import the HttpClientModule in app.module.ts file

import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

Attach the imported module in the imports in same app.module.ts as below:

 imports: [

Step 2 : Get the row data with observable

In app.component.ts , make the rowdata variable to rowdata$ with the type observable

  rowData$!: Observable<any[]>;

Step 3 : add http in constrctor

constructor(private http: HttpClient){ }

Step 4 : add ngOnInit method to get row data from an hardcoded data using the link

Initialize the ngOnInit metho in the export class itself as below:

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

Define the ngOnit method like below using the get method with prviding the URL of the row data

this.rowData$ = this.http.get<any[]>('')

Step : 5 Change the variable name in app.component.html

use the async method to bind the observable array with URL

[rowData]="rowData$ | async"

Sample screen after obtaing the row data from hardadta URL

Here is the URL lINK

ScreenShot of URL data

Sorting and filtering for every columns

  • It is very easy to achive by adding sortable and filter values set to be TRUE in app.component.ts file within the columDefs as below:
  colDefs : ColDef[] =[
    {field : 'make' , sortable:true , filter:true },
    {field : 'model', sortable:true , filter:true },
    {field : 'price', sortable:true , filter:true },
  • It can be achieved by other method as below : adding defaultColDef in htlm and ive the vlues for them in ts file:
colDefs : ColDef[] =[
    {field : 'make' ,  },
    {field : 'model',},
    {field : 'price',  },
    defaultColDef : ColDef = {
      sortable:true , filter:true
  • Output ScreenShot:

  • We can select the multiple rows and animate them with sorting by adding attribute in htlm as below:

grid events

  • There are lot of events available in grid . Here we just try a simple event to console something by click is heppend by a user in any cell.

  • We must bind the event in the html as follows :

  • After that , we must define the event in .ts file . Here we just dispay the events in console.
onCellClicked(event : CellClickedEvent){
  • Output Screenshot:

Utilizing api

  • There are lot of methods to use. Here i have shared a simple @viewchld method in ts as follows:
@ViewChild(AgGridAngular) agGrid!: AgGridAngular;
  • To make use of this , i have created a clearall button to deselect all the selected rows from api as with below method:
  • Finaly add a button in html and bind the clearselection method in it.
<button (click) = "clearselection()"> clear all </button>
  • Output:

Other important conceptsin ag-grid


  • domLayout is an attribute which can be useg in ag-grid componenet with the any of following three values as follows:
    • domlayout = "normal" --> It displays the normal grid.
    • domlayout = "autoHeight" --> It adjustes the rows and provide scroll bar.
    • domlayout = "print" --> No scroll bars provided.

model.ts file in angular

  • In simple words , it helps to define data types in seperate folder.

  • models in angular is used to store the data.

  • Mostly it deponds on two different types as 1 --> interface 2 --> classes

  • The reason to use models in application is to validate the data type of an typical data strctures like objects or table data.

  • We can export the model interface files and can be obtained whereever we need in our application by importing it.

generating model using angular cli

  • We must use the below command in required directory .
ng g interface modelFileName --type=model
  • Example :
ng g interface learn-model --type=model
  • Output :

  • We may create class also that belongs to the user's requirement.
Example :
ng g class learn-model --type=model
  • NOTE : We can do this mannaly without generating angular cli .

Utilizing the generated model in reqired component

  • Mostly , we will use this model for row data attribute in ag-grid .

  • So , let's take an simple component to display the row data.

Step : 1 .html

  • Assign [rowData] and [columnDefs] in ag-grid.

Step : 2 bind in .ts file

  • First of all , assign the variable with public keyword and assign it to the interface name with [] and with the ow data .

  • Kindly import the inteface in the .ts to utilize the interface for validatio of similar datatype.

Step : 3 assigning type of data in model.ts file

  • Just need to assign the row data values to correct datatype reqired like number,boolean and etc.

Sample screen if any type of data is mismatch interface

  • The purpose of model interface is to omit unwanted errors in application as it is very large program.

  • It will show error if the data is mismatches with the intrface datatypes.


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