* WeChat is a realtime based chat application for users where user can chat with different registered users.
- React JS (States, Effects, Hooks, Props, Function Structure, JSX etc.)
- SASS (using SCSS syntax and mixins for designing)
- Firebase (For Backend Connectivity with login Authentication and Firestore Database)
- User can Login/Register on WeChat by just entering first name, email, password and choosing an Avatar.
- User can chat with differnt users by just searching the user name of other person.
- You can Send Messages, Emojis and also send Images(< 300kb).
- No other user can see the chat of between other 2 users.
- Application is design using SASS framework and it is Fully Responsive.
- Firebase Authentication is used for Login Activity.
- All User and Chat Data is Stored in the Firestore Database.
* Live Link - WeChat
- Vikas Kushwaha
- Connect with me LinkedIn