- 6 Algorithms are implemented.
- Each process can have different number of CPU Burst Time and I/O Burst Time.
- Gantt Chart and Timeline Chart for the given Schedule.
- Context Switching Time.
- Animation of the Time Log.
- Comparison for Round Robin Algorithm for all time quantum.
- Comparison between all the algorithms wrt Average Completion Time, Turn Around Time, Waiting Time and Response Time.
- The first process arrived in the ready queue is processed first.
- First Come First Serve (FCFS)
- First Come First Serve (FCFS)
- The shortest job in the ready queue is processed first.
- Shortest Job First (SJF)
- Shortest Remaining Job First (SRJF)
- Shortest Job First (SJF)
- The longest job in the ready queue is processed first.
- Longest Job First (LJF)
- Longest Remaining Job First (LRJF)
- Longest Job First (LJF)
- The jobs in the ready queue are given a fixed time quantum.
- Round Robin (RR)
- Round Robin (RR)
Non-Preemptive: Once a job enters the Running Queue, it will only leave when its required CPU Burst Time is completed or it requires an I/O Job.
Preemptive: A job in the Running Queue can be removed (preeempted) by other process of higher priority or with better criteria satisfaction or the given time quantum is completed.
- Remain
The processes which are yet to arrive.
- Ready
The processes which are ready to be executed.
- Running
Current Process Running in the CPU.
- Block
The processes which are blocked for I/O Time.
- Terminate
The processes which have completed all the CPU and I/O.
- JS
- Google Charts
- Chart.js