This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
I started by looking at the design and seeing how many HTML tags I'd need. When my HTML structure looked right, I started with the CSS. First thing I did was the image, then below that the background in white. I finished with the title and paragraph. I tried to fine-tune the whole thing to resemble the given design as closely as possible.
At the time of publishing the project on GitHub, I already had some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. But the exercise allowed me to pick up where I left off.
As I learn HTML and CSS, if I can reduce or optimize this code, I'll change it.
- w3schools This has helped me discover additional information about CSS.
- Frontend Mentor - VizardAlpha
Thanks to Eno who introduced me to .card and other CSS properties. I had never thought of that.