The VoltDB golang client library implements the native VoltDB wire protocol. You can use the library to connect to a VoltDB cluster, invoke stored procedures and read responses.
go get -v -u
Recommend version:
go version >= 1.9
As database/sql
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
// If using a version of VoltDB server prior to 5.2, then
// set the version of the wire protocol to 0. The default
// value 1, indicates a server version of 5.2 or later.
// voltdbclient.ProtocolVersion = 0
db, err := sql.Open("voltdb", "localhost:21212")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
err = db.Ping()
if err != nil {
rows, err := db.Query("", "French")
if err != nil {
// with prepared statement
stmt, err := db.Prepare("select * from HELLOWORLD where dialect = ?")
if err != nil {
rows, err = stmt.Query("French")
if err != nil {
func printRows(rows *sql.Rows) {
for rows.Next() {
var hello string
var world string
var dialect string
err := rows.Scan(&hello, &world, &dialect)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("SUCCESS: %s %s %s\n", hello, world, dialect)
The VoltDB golang client implements the interfaces specified in the database/sql/driver package. The interfaces specified by database/sql/driver are typically used to implement a driver to be used with the golang database/sql package.
The code here can be used as a driver in this manner; it can also be used as a stand alone client.
The VoltDB golang client supports a VoltDB specific asynchronous api in addition to the database/sql/driver api. The VoltDB api also includes column accessors for VoltDB specific types. The details of the VoltDB api can be found in the godoc.
The VoltDB golang client includes three examples. There is a simple hello world example and a similar example that uses the asynchronous api. There is also an example that uses the client with the database/sql/driver api only.
By default, version 1 of the VoltDB wire protocol is used; this is suitable for VoltDB server version 5.2 or later. Set the wire protocol version to 0 for use with an older server. See the 'driver_hello_world' example.
When using database/sql
driver, connection pools are automatically managed for
you. However there is a couple of options offered for custom control such as
SetMaxIdleConns and
When doing development on this client, before adding new changes first you need
to run benchmarks of the client . We have included helper make rules for this
just run make bench-old
which when done will create old.bench
file on the
root of the project.
You can then go ahead and make the changes, when done you need to run benchmarks
with the new changes by running make bench-new
which will create new.bench
Compare the two benchmarks with make benchcmp
. This will help you to see if
there were any regressions introduced by the changes. This rule depends on
tool to be installed, if that tool is missing run make deps
install it.