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VoltDB Kafka Sink Connector

The VoltDB Kafka Sink Connector provides a simple, continuous link from a Kafka topic or set of topics to a VoltDB table or set of VoltDB tables.

The connector consumes Kafka log messages and invokes VoltDB stored procedures, either custom or default, to parse and insert the messages into VoltDB tables.

When the Kafka messages have schema metadata, the schema is used to convert the values. If no schema metadata is present, the message will be converted as configured.

The VoltDB Kafka Sink Connector is available as source at Github or as binary HERE

Following sections discuss installing and configuring the Connector and offer an example application that shows the Connector in action with VoltDB and a Kafka installation.

Extract files from the download file

  • Untar the download file:
    $ tar xzvf voltdb-kafka-sink-connector-1.0.tar.gz
  • add the directory to the Java CLASSPATH
    $ CLASSPATH=<dir that contains voltdb-sink-connector-1.0-all.jar>:$CLASSPATH
  • template configuration files are in the "config" directory.

Installing the Connector

  • configure in the "config" directory. You may copy the "config" directory to a location within the Kafka installation. Note that Apache or Confluent Kafka distributions may have configuration files in different locations. For more details please see

Connect Properties (

  • name (default:KafkaSinkConnector) Unique name for the connector
  • connector.class (default:org.voltdb.connect.kafka.KafkaSinkConnector) The Java class for the connector
  • voltdb.connection.user The user name to connect VoltDB
  • voltdb.connection.password The password to connect VoltDB
  • voltdb.servers (mandatory) A list of Voltdb server nodes with ',' as delimiter. example: server1:21212,server2:21212
  • voltdb.procedure (mandatory) The procedure name to be used to insert data to VoltDB.
  • formatter.factory.class The data formatter factory used to convert non-schema Kafka data into the format required by VoltDB procedure. org.voltdb.connect.formatter.CSVFormatterFactory is used as default.
  • formatter.type The type of formatter, such as csv, tsv.
  • data.converter.class The Java class for data conversion from SinkRecord. org.voltdb.connect.converter.JsonDataConverter as default.
    • Formatter and converter properties are used if the kafka record does not have valid value schema.
    • Also when kafka records does not have schema you must modify following connector properties (standalone or distributed)
      • key.converter Update it to
      • value.converter Update it to
      • key.converter.schemas.enable Disable schema by setting it to false
      • value.converter.schemas.enable Disable schema by setting it to false
  • kerberos.authentication The authentication module if enabled.

Connect JSON Properties (voltdb-sink-connector.json)

The json file contains the same properties as Example:


When kafka records does not have schema you must add following connector properties to config object


Running a Sample Application using VoltDB kafka Sink connector

  • Download and install Kafka or later
  • Start VoltDB, create correct table and store procedure for the connector:
  	A sample table to VoltDB for testing:
		ID integer not null,
		Symbol varchar(50),
		Quantity integer,
		TradeType varchar(50),
		price float,
		constraint pk_stock PRIMARY KEY(ID)
  • Start zookeeper

     $./bin/ config/
  • Start Kafka server

    	$./bin/ config/
  • create Kafka topic for the connector

    $./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic connect-test
    For distributed mode, create topics for shared storage offset, connector config and status.
    $./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic connect-configs --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1
    $./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic connect-status --replication-factor 1 --partitions 10
    $./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic connect-offsets --replication-factor 1 --partitions 50
  • Start connector

    set voltdb.procedure=stock.insert for the connector. set topics=connect-test for the kafka topic to consume from.

    Set schema enable properties to false, in kafka connect property files (config/ for standalone mode, config/ for distributed mode). key.converter.schemas.enable=false value.converter.schemas.enable=false

     standalone mode:
     $export CLASSPATH=path-to-kafka-root/voltdb/voltdb-sink-connector-1.0-all.jar 	
     $./bin/  config/  voltdb/
    distributed mode:
    Unlike standalone mode where connector configurations are passed in via the command line, interaction with a distributed-mode cluster is via the REST API. 
    $export CLASSPATH=path-to-kafka-root/voltdb/voltdb-sink-connector-1.0-all.jar 	 	
    $./bin/  config/
    Connector registration:
    $curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @voltdb/voltdb-sink-connector.json http://localhost:8083/connectors
    Connector verification:
    $curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:8083/connectors/KafkaSinkConnector"
    Connector removal (remove sink connector once ingesting of data is completed):
    $curl -i -X DELETE "http://localhost:8083/connectors/KafkaSinkConnector"
  • Start Kafka producer:

    $./bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic connect-test  

    The topic must match the topic the connector is listening to.

    Enter "6,GOOG,1000,BUY,50000"

    Run a select query against VoltDB to verify a row is added to table stock.


VoltDB connector for Kafka







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