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Check configuration

Vrekt edited this page Jul 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Every check by default will include the following values:

  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: true
  ban-level: 20
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0

If the check is enabled or not.


If the check should cancel the action.

For example, attempting to fly would teleport the player back to the ground.

Or, if the player is trying to eat too fast, Arc will cancel that action and the player won't be able to eat.

Cancel level

The level at which to start cancelling. Setting this value to 10 for example would let the player violate the check 10 times before cancelling.


This allows you to toggle notifications/violations for the check.

This could be useful for checks that are spamming but aren't a concern or to silent a bug until its fixed.

Notify level

This value must be an even number

This works different than cancel-level. If this value is set to 1 then every violation will be sent to players. But if this value were to be set to 2 then only every 2 violations would a message be sent.

This is true for every other value as-well, 4 would send messages every (4) (8) (12) (16) violations.

This is useful to silent some of the output of a check to only have it notify every once and awhile or for very high levels.


If the player should be banned for this check.

Ban level

The level at which to ban the player. If their violation level is greater than or equal to the value, the player will be banned.


If the player should be kicked for this check.

Kick level

The level at which to kick the player. If their violation level is greater than or equal to the value, the player will be kicked.

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