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json-pointer-rfc6901 provides convenient methods for handling json pointers as defined by RFC6901

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npm install json-pointer-rfc6901


bower install json-pointer-rfc6901



var pointer = require('json-pointer-rfc6901');

console.log(pointer({ a: 1 }, '/a'));

web (global)

        <script type="text/javascript" src="json-pointer-rfc6901.web.min.js"></script>
            console.log(JSON.pointer({ a: 1 }, '/a');

web (amd)

  paths: {
      "json-pointer-rfc6901": "json-pointer-rfc6901.web.min.js"
require(['json-pointer-rfc6901'], function (pointer) {
    console.log(pointer({ a: 1 }, '/a');



Finds the value in object as specified by pointer.

console.log('result:', pointer.get({ a: 1 }, '/a'));
// result: 1

console.log('result:', pointer.get({ a: 1 }, '/b'));
// result: undefined

Sets the location in object, specified by pointer, to value. Returns the modified object.

var obj = { a: 1 };

console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/a', 2));
// result: { a: 2 }

console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/b', 3));
// result: { a: 2, b: 3 }

console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/c/0/a', 4));
// result: { a: 2, b: 3, c: [ { a: 4 } ] }

console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/c/-/b', 5));
// result: { a: 2, b: 3, c: [ { a: 4 }, { b: 5 } ] }

Returns true iff the location, specified by pointer, exists in object.

console.log('result:', pointer.has({ a: 1 }, '/a'));
// result: true

console.log('result:', pointer.has({ a: 1 }, '/b'));
// result: false

Removes the location, specified by pointer, from object. Returns the modified object, or undefined if the pointer is empty.

var obj = { a: 1 };

console.log('result:', pointer.del(obj, '/b'));
// result: { a: 1 }

console.log('result:', pointer.del(obj, '/a'));
// result: {}

console.log('result:', pointer.del(obj, ''));
// result: undefined

Escapes the given path segment as described by RFC6901.

Notably, '~''s are replaced with '~0' and '/''s are replaced with '~1'

console.log('result:', pointer.escape('abc'));
// result: abc

console.log('result:', pointer.escape('~'));
// result: ~0

console.log('result:', pointer.escape('/'));
// result: ~1

Escapes the given path fragment segment as described by RFC6901.

Notably, '~''s are replaced with '~0' and '/''s are replaced with '~1' and finally the string is URI encoded.

console.log('result:', pointer.escapeFragment('a b'));
// result: a%20b

Un-Escapes the given path segment, reversing the actions of .escape

Notably, '~1''s are replaced with '/' and '~0''s are replaced with '~'

console.log('result:', pointer.unescape('abc'));
// result: abc

console.log('result:', pointer.unescape('~0'));
// result: ~

console.log('result:', pointer.unescape('~1'));
// result: /

Un-Escapes the given path fragment segment, reversing the actions of .escapeFragment.

Notably, the string is URI decoded and then '~1''s are replaced with '/' and '~0''s are replaced with '~'.

console.log('result:', pointer.unescapeFragment('a%20b'));
// result: a b

Returns true iff str is a valid json pointer value

console.log('result:', pointer.isPointer('/a'));
// result: true

Returns true iff str is a valid json fragment pointer value

console.log('result:', pointer.isFragment('#/'));
// result: true

Parses a json-pointer or json fragment pointer, as described by RFC901, into an array of path segments.

console.log('result:', pointer.parse('/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

console.log('result:', pointer.parse('#/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

Parses a json-pointer, as described by RFC901, into an array of path segments.

console.log('result:', pointer.parsePointer('/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

Parses a json-pointer or json fragment pointer, as described by RFC901, into an array of path segments.

console.log('result:', pointer.parseFragment('#/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

Converts an array of path segments into a json pointer. This method is the reverse of .parsePointer

console.log('result:', pointer.compile([ 'abc' ]));
// result: /abc

console.log('result:', pointer.compile([ '~', '/', 'abc' ]));
// result: '/~0/~1/abc'

console.log('result:', pointer.compile([ '' ]));
// result: '/'

console.log('result:', pointer.compile([]));
// result:

Converts an array of path segments into a json pointer. This method is the reverse of .parsePointer

console.log('result:', pointer.compilePointer([ 'abc' ]));
// result: /abc

Converts an array of path segments into a json pointer. This method is the reverse of .compileFragment

console.log('result:', pointer.compileFragment([ 'abc' ]));
// result: #/abc

Convenience function for choosing between .smartBind, .get, and .set, depending on the number of arguments.

var obj = { a: 1 };

console.log('result:', pointer(obj, '/a', 2));
// result: { a: 2 }

console.log('result:', pointer(obj, '/a'));
// result: 2

var bound = pointer(obj);

console.log('result:', bound.get('/a'));
// result: 2

console.log('result:', bound('/a'));
// result: 2

console.log('result:', bound.set('/a', 3));
// result: { a: 3 }

console.log('result:', bound('/a', 4));
// result: { a: 4 }

Creates a clone of the api, with ./.get/.has/.set/.del/.smartBind method signatures adjusted.

var obj = { a: 1 };

console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ object: obj })('/a'));
// result: 1

console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ object: obj }).get('/a'));
// result: 1

console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ pointer: '/a' }).get(obj));
// result: 1

console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ object: obj }).smartBind({ pointer: '/a' }).get());
// result: 1

get/set bound pointer value

get/set bound pointer value as fragment

get/set bound object

get/set bound options

Returns true iff obj contains key and obj is either an Array or an Object. Ignores the prototype chain.

Default value for options.hasProp.

Returns true iff obj contains key, disregarding the prototype chain.

Returns true iff obj contains key, including via the prototype chain.

.getProp(object, key) -> value

Finds the given key in obj.

Default value for options.getProp.

.setProp(object, key, value) -> value

Sets the given key in obj to value.

Default value for options.setProp.

.getNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> value

Returns the value to use when .get fails to locate a pointer segment.

Default value for options.getNotFound.

.setNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> value

Returns the value to use when .set fails to locate a pointer segment.

Default value for options.setNotFound.

.delNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> value

Performs an action when .del fails to locate a pointer segment.

Default value for options.delNotFound.

Raises a JsonPointerError when the given pointer segment is not found.

May be used in place of the above methods via the options argument of ./.get/.set/.has/.del/.simpleBind.

try {
  console.log('result:', pointer.get({a: 1}, '/b', {getNotFound: pointer.errorNotFound}));
catch (ex)
  console.log(, ':', ex.message);
// exception: JsonPointerError : Unable to find json path: /b

console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/length'));
// result: undefined
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/length', { hasProp: pointer.hasOwnProp }));
// result: 3
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/length', { hasProp: pointer.hasProp }));
// result: 3

console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/push'));
// result: undefined
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/push', { hasProp: pointer.hasOwnProp }));
// result: undefined
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/push', { hasProp: pointer.hasProp }));
// result: function push() { [native code] }


json-pointer implementation as per rfc6901







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