Ecommerce-alurageek__G4 is a code to administrate the products and visualize his website overall. The languages used are js, html5 and css3.
This project is leaded by teaching program ORACLE_ONE trought the team ALURA. Currently we are the group4. FOR THIS SECOND CHALLENGE #challengeonealurageeklatam4.
Ecommerce-alurageek__G4 has a structure html5 in MAIN, a style with css3 and logical part to make CRUD with js.
Ecommerce-alurageek__G4 has a page to Home, a form to Login, a page to Admin products(add, edit and delete)
I thank Oracle and God for the opportunity to learn through this Oracle_One program!!
Data to login for administrating of products.
password: alura123
Link a website