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Update ROSCO test, add to gitignore
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dzalkind authored and nikhar-abbas committed Sep 25, 2020
1 parent a60e24e commit eb8be72
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions ROSCO_testing/
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@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
Run ROSCO and test against baseline results:
- set up case(s) using CaseLibrary from aeroelasticse
- run fast simulations
- evaluate & compare results with pCrunch
- report results to user

import numpy as np
# from wisdem.aeroelasticse.CaseLibrary import ROSCO_Test
import os

from wisdem.aeroelasticse.FAST_reader import InputReader_Common, InputReader_OpenFAST, InputReader_FAST7
from wisdem.aeroelasticse.FAST_writer import InputWriter_Common, InputWriter_OpenFAST, InputWriter_FAST7
from wisdem.aeroelasticse.runFAST_pywrapper import runFAST_pywrapper_batch
from wisdem.aeroelasticse.CaseGen_General import CaseGen_General
from wisdem.aeroelasticse.CaseGen_IEC import CaseGen_IEC
from pCrunch import pdTools
from pCrunch import Processing, Analysis
from wisdem.aeroelasticse.Util import FileTools
import pandas as pd

# Moved ROSCO_Test into toolbox so that it doesn't rely on my fork of aeroelasticse
def ROSCO_Test(fst_vt, runDir, namebase, TMax, turbine_class, turbulence_class, Turbsim_exe='', debug_level=0, cores=0, mpi_run=False, mpi_comm_map_down=[]):

iec = CaseGen_IEC()

# I'd like to start them all at the same place. The controller should be able to handle startup transients.
iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","RotSpeed")] = {'U': [2,30]}
iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","RotSpeed")]['val'] = np.ones([2]) * fst_vt['ElastoDyn']['RotSpeed'] *.75
iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")] = {'U': [2,30]}
iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")]['val'] = np.ones([2]) * 0
iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch2")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")]
iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch3")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")]
iec.Turbine_Class = turbine_class
iec.Turbulence_Class = turbulence_class
iec.D = fst_vt['ElastoDyn']['TipRad']*2.
iec.z_hub = fst_vt['InflowWind']['RefHt']

iec.dlc_inputs = {}
iec.dlc_inputs['DLC'] = [1.3,1.4]#,6.1,6.3]
iec.dlc_inputs['U'] = [[4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24],[8.88,12.88]]
# iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [[1]]
iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [[1],[]] # nothing special about these seeds, randomly generated (???)
iec.dlc_inputs['Yaw'] = [[], []]
iec.transient_dir_change = '-' # '+','-','both': sign for transient events in EDC, EWS
iec.transient_shear_orientation = 'v' # 'v','h','both': vertical or horizontal shear for EWS

iec.wind_dir = os.path.join(runDir,'wind')
iec.case_name_base = namebase
iec.Turbsim_exe = Turbsim_exe
iec.debug_level = debug_level
iec.cores = cores
iec.run_dir = runDir
iec.overwrite = False
# iec.overwrite = False
if cores > 1:
iec.parallel_windfile_gen = True
iec.parallel_windfile_gen = False

# mpi_run = False
if mpi_run:
iec.mpi_run = mpi_run
iec.comm_map_down = mpi_comm_map_down

case_inputs = {}
case_inputs[("Fst","TMax")] = {'vals':[TMax], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("Fst","OutFileFmt")] = {'vals':[2], 'group':0}

case_inputs[('ServoDyn','GenTiStr')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
case_inputs[('ServoDyn','GenTiStp')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
case_inputs[('ServoDyn','SpdGenOn')] = {'vals': [0.], 'group': 0}

case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","WakeMod")] = {'vals':[1], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","AFAeroMod")] = {'vals':[2], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TwrPotent")] = {'vals':[0], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TwrShadow")] = {'vals':['False'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TwrAero")] = {'vals':['False'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","SkewMod")] = {'vals':[1], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TipLoss")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","HubLoss")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TanInd")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","AIDrag")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TIDrag")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","IndToler")] = {'vals':[1.e-5], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","MaxIter")] = {'vals':[5000], 'group':0}
case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","UseBlCm")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}

case_list, case_name_list = iec.execute(case_inputs=case_inputs)

channels = ["TipDxc1", "TipDyc1", "TipDzc1", "TipDxc2", "TipDyc2", "TipDzc2", "TipDxc3", "TipDyc3", "TipDzc3"]
channels += ["RootMxc1", "RootMyc1", "RootMzc1", "RootMxc2", "RootMyc2", "RootMzc2", "RootMxc3", "RootMyc3", "RootMzc3"]

return case_list, case_name_list, channels

if __name__ == '__main__':

### Parameter Set up
# Run Directory (for all turbines)
baseRunDir = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/SaveData/ROSCO/WSE_Params'

# Compare results to this Directory:
compRunDir = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/SaveData/ROSCO/PitchSat'

# Executable paths
Turbsim_exe = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/openfast/build/modules/turbsim/turbsim' # move up
Openfast_exe = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/openfast/install/bin/openfast'

# Runtime options
cores = 8 # how many cores? if > 1, will run in parallel but might be harder to debug
overwrite = False # do you want to overwrite fast sims?
reCrunch = False # do you want to re-run pCrunch?

# Turbine Setup
testTurbines = ['IEA-15MW'] # current options are: IEA-15MW, NREL-5MW

# Loop through test turbines
for turbine in testTurbines:

# Get FAST input (15MW only for now)
if turbine == 'IEA-15MW':
dev_branch = True
FAST_ver = 'OpenFAST'

fastRead = InputReader_OpenFAST(FAST_ver=FAST_ver, dev_branch=dev_branch)
fastRead.FAST_InputFile = 'IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi.fst' # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
fastRead.FAST_directory = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/ROSCO_toolbox/Test_Cases/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi' # Path to fst directory files

elif turbine == 'NREL-5MW':
dev_branch = True
FAST_ver = 'OpenFAST'

fastRead = InputReader_OpenFAST(FAST_ver=FAST_ver, dev_branch=dev_branch)
fastRead.FAST_InputFile = '5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb.fst' # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
fastRead.FAST_directory = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/ROSCO_toolbox/Test_Cases/5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb' # Path to fst directory files

# Read FAST inputs for generating cases

runDir = os.path.join(baseRunDir,turbine)
namebase = 'ROTest'
TMax = 700
turbine_class = 'I'
turbulence_class = 'A'

# Generate Cases
case_list, case_name_list, channels = ROSCO_Test(fastRead.fst_vt, runDir, namebase, TMax, turbine_class, turbulence_class, \
Turbsim_exe=Turbsim_exe, debug_level=2, cores=cores, mpi_run=False, mpi_comm_map_down=[])

# Set up FAST Sims
fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch(FAST_ver='OpenFAST', dev_branch=True)
fastBatch.FAST_exe = Openfast_exe # Path to executable
fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = os.path.join(baseRunDir,turbine)
fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = fastRead.FAST_InputFile # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
fastBatch.FAST_directory = fastRead.FAST_directory # Path to fst directory files
fastBatch.debug_level = 2

fastBatch.case_list = case_list
fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list
fastBatch.debug_level = 2
fastBatch.dev_branch = True

# Check if simulation has been run
outFileNames = [os.path.join(fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory,case_name + '.outb') for case_name in case_name_list]
outFileThere = [os.path.exists(outFileName) for outFileName in outFileNames]
# print('here')

# Run simulations if they're not all there or if you want to overwrite
if not all(outFileThere) or overwrite:
if cores > 1:

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