Jian Huang1,2 Chengrui Dong1,2 Peidong Liu1*
* denotes corresponding author.
1Zhejiang University 2Westlake University
This repository is an official PyTorch implementation of the paper "IncEventGS: Pose-Free Gaussian Splatting from a Single Event Camera". We explore the possibility of recovering the 3D Gaussian and camera motion trajectory from a single event camera.
☐ The code and data will be made public once the paper is accepted. Stay tuned!
Our paper is available on arXiv
IncEventGS processes incoming event stream by dividing it
into chunks and representing the camera trajectory as a continuous model. It randomly samples two
close consecutive timestamps to integrate the corresponding event streams. Two brightness images
are rendered from 3D Gaussian distributions at the corresponding poses, and we minimize the log
difference between the rendered images and the accumulated event images. During initialization, a
pre-trained depth estimation model estimates depth from the rendered images to bootstrap the system.