Real estate scrapping script for
Python 3, Selenium, beautifullSoup, Thread, Concurrent.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To use it you will have first to uncomment some lines in main to get the url of house and apartement to sell.
First house and after apartement.
I'm looking in every subType url to get more data other way your reasearch is limit to 100 pages.
After you get all url's comment it and you can uncomment what is below 'COLLECTING DATA FROM HERE'.
You can set max workers to the limit you want but for now, i would not recommend to go further 4-5 as the code need to be pimped for that.
Need to integrate a script that will detect captcha and do it automatically. Need to process more than 1 worker without being detected
Copyright (C) 11/11/2020 Pierre Wasilewski,Nooreyni Ousmane DIOP,hajrashidimad