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Mike edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 11 revisions

#Welcome to the ScMa wiki! As of yet I have no single clue how to properly write a Wiki, but here it goes.

How to install?:


Required packages for Debian based systems. (And likely similar names on Arch or alike derivates):

  • build-essential
  • liblz-dev
  • libpng-dev
  • libsdl2-dev
  • libsdl2-ttf-dev
  • libsdl2-mixer-dev
  • libsdl2-image-dev
  • libpng-dev
  • libtiff-dev
  • libjpeg-dev

Open a terminal command line, go to the project's root folder and create a build folder with a name of your choosing. Go into this folder using cd. then do (linux or osx) cmake -G'Unix Makefiles' ../src or (osx only) cmake -GXcode ../src. Generate the make file, it may complain about not having found SDL2, just try again and it'll work. Then build cmake --build .

Your binary file will now be located in the folder where src is located, and can be booted by executing


Open a command line, go to the project's src folder and do ccmake . if you wish to change settings(currently SERVER OFF is better.) Generate the make file, it may complain about not having found SDL2, just try again and it'll work.

There should now be a image that you can run properly.


Although there currently are codeblocks project files, they may not be quite up to date. One could try and generate a project file for their favorite IDE throughout CMake. See the Linux CMake instructions guide.

Getting started:

Currently the game is still in its pre-alpha development stage. For those who wish to play around with it, I suggest you follow the guide about Map Editing

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