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nullKomplex edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 4 revisions


This page will document features we remove or change that are no longer backwards compatible as well as give you workarounds and best practices

Aura Bars

In 2.14 we removed the Sticky Duration option. If you were using it in combination with custom code that used SetDurationInfo, setting Maximum Progress to the value should achieve the same result.


In 2.14 region.border was removed and replaced with a subregion accessible from region.subRegions table. You can check if a subRegion is a border with region.subRegions[index] and region.subRegions[index].type == "subborder"

region.text and region.text2

In 2.14 region.text and text2 were removed and replaced with a subregion accessible from region.subRegions table. You can check if a subRegion is a text with region.subRegions[index] and region.subRegions[index].type == "subtext"