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Merge pull request #86 from WebAssembly/update-load-store
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Update load/store to match design repo changes
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lukewagner committed Sep 25, 2015
2 parents 70817af + 658123a commit ae419ca
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Showing 8 changed files with 225 additions and 158 deletions.
63 changes: 31 additions & 32 deletions ml-proto/src/host/lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,31 +60,25 @@ let floatop t f32 f64 =
| "f64" -> Values.Float64 f64
| _ -> assert false

let mem_type mty =
let open Memory in
match mty with
| "i8" -> Int8Mem
| "i16" -> Int16Mem
| "i32" -> Int32Mem
| "i64" -> Int64Mem
| "f32" -> Float32Mem
| "f64" -> Float64Mem
let memop t a =
{ty = value_type t; align = if a = "" then None else Some (int_of_string a)}

let mem_size = function
| "8" -> Memory.Mem8
| "16" -> Memory.Mem16
| "32" -> Memory.Mem32
| _ -> assert false

let extension = function
| 's' -> Memory.SX
| 'u' -> Memory.ZX
| _ -> assert false

let loadop t sign a =
let mem = mem_type t in
let ext = match sign with
| ' ' -> Memory.NX
| 's' -> Memory.SX
| 'u' -> Memory.ZX
| _ -> assert false in
let align = if a = "" then Memory.mem_size mem else int_of_string a in
{mem; ext; align}

let storeop t a =
let mem = mem_type t in
let align = if a = "" then Memory.mem_size mem else int_of_string a in
{mem; align}
let extendop t sz s a =
{memop = memop t a; sz = mem_size sz; ext = extension s}

let truncop t sz a =
{memop = memop t a; sz = mem_size sz}

let space = [' ''\t']
Expand All @@ -110,7 +104,7 @@ let mixx = "i" ("8" | "16" | "32" | "64")
let mfxx = "f" ("32" | "64")
let sign = "s" | "u"
let align = digit+
let width = digit+
let mem_size = "8" | "16" | "32"

rule token = parse
| "(" { LPAR }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,14 +137,19 @@ rule token = parse
| "get_local" { GETLOCAL }
| "set_local" { SETLOCAL }

| (nxx as t)".load" { LOAD (loadop t ' ' "") }
| (nxx as t)".load/"(align as a) { LOAD (loadop t ' ' a) }
| (ixx)".load"(width as w)"_"(sign as s) { LOAD (loadop ("i" ^ w) s "") }
| (ixx)".load"(width as w)"_"(sign as s)"/"(align as a) { LOAD (loadop ("i" ^ w) s a) }
| (nxx as t)".store" { STORE (storeop t "") }
| (nxx as t)".store/"(align as a) { STORE (storeop t a) }
| (ixx)".store"(width as w) { STORE (storeop ("i" ^ w) "") }
| (ixx)".store"(width as w)"/"(align as a) { STORE (storeop ("i" ^ w) a) }
| (nxx as t)".load" { LOAD (memop t "") }
| (nxx as t)".load/"(align as a) { LOAD (memop t a) }
| (nxx as t)".store" { STORE (memop t "") }
| (nxx as t)".store/"(align as a) { STORE (memop t a) }

| (ixx as t)".load"(mem_size as sz)"_"(sign as s)
{ LOADEXTEND (extendop t sz s "") }
| (ixx as t)".load"(mem_size as sz)"_"(sign as s)"/"(align as a)
{ LOADEXTEND (extendop t sz s a) }
| (ixx as t)".store"(mem_size as sz)
{ STORETRUNC (truncop t sz "") }
| (ixx as t)".store"(mem_size as sz)"/"(align as a)
{ STORETRUNC (truncop t sz a) }

| (nxx as t)".switch" { SWITCH (value_type t) }
| (nxx as t)".const" { CONST (value_type t) }
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions ml-proto/src/host/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,8 +113,10 @@ let anon_label c = {c with labels = ((+) 1) c.labels}
%token<Ast.binop> BINARY
%token<Ast.relop> COMPARE
%token<Ast.cvt> CONVERT
%token<Ast.loadop> LOAD
%token<Ast.storeop> STORE
%token<Ast.memop> LOAD
%token<Ast.memop> STORE
%token<Ast.extendop> LOADEXTEND
%token<Ast.truncop> STORETRUNC

%start script
%type<Script.script> script
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +181,9 @@ oper :
| SETLOCAL var expr { fun c -> SetLocal ($2 c local, $3 c) }
| LOAD expr { fun c -> Load ($1, $2 c) }
| STORE expr expr { fun c -> Store ($1, $2 c, $3 c) }
| CONST literal { fun c -> Const (literal (ati 2) $2 $1) }
| LOADEXTEND expr { fun c -> LoadExtend ($1, $2 c) }
| STORETRUNC expr expr { fun c -> StoreTrunc ($1, $2 c, $3 c) }
| CONST literal { let at = at() in fun c -> Const (literal at $2 $1) }
| UNARY expr { fun c -> Unary ($1, $2 c) }
| BINARY expr expr { fun c -> Binary ($1, $2 c, $3 c) }
| COMPARE expr expr { fun c -> Compare ($1, $2 c, $3 c) }
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions ml-proto/src/spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ type binop = (Int32Op.binop, Int64Op.binop, Float32Op.binop, Float64Op.binop) op
type relop = (Int32Op.relop, Int64Op.relop, Float32Op.relop, Float64Op.relop) op
type cvt = (Int32Op.cvt, Int64Op.cvt, Float32Op.cvt, Float64Op.cvt) op

type loadop = {mem : Memory.mem_type; ext : Memory.extension; align : int}
type storeop = {mem : Memory.mem_type; align : int}

type memop = {ty : Types.value_type; align : int option}
type extendop = {memop : memop; sz : Memory.mem_size; ext : Memory.extension}
type truncop = {memop : memop; sz : Memory.mem_size}

(* Expressions *)

Expand All @@ -87,8 +87,10 @@ and expr' =
| Return of expr option
| GetLocal of var
| SetLocal of var * expr
| Load of loadop * expr
| Store of storeop * expr * expr
| Load of memop * expr
| Store of memop * expr * expr
| LoadExtend of extendop * expr
| StoreTrunc of truncop * expr * expr
| Const of literal
| Unary of unop * expr
| Binary of binop * expr * expr
Expand Down
46 changes: 28 additions & 18 deletions ml-proto/src/spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,14 +53,6 @@ let check_func_type actual expected at =

(* Type Synthesis *)

let type_mem = function
| Memory.Int8Mem -> Int32Type
| Memory.Int16Mem -> Int32Type
| Memory.Int32Mem -> Int32Type
| Memory.Int64Mem -> Int64Type
| Memory.Float32Mem -> Float32Type
| Memory.Float64Mem -> Float64Type

let type_value = Values.type_of
let type_unop = Values.type_of
let type_binop = Values.type_of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,16 +174,19 @@ let rec check_expr c et e =
check_expr c (Some (local c x)) e1;
check_type None et

| Load (loadop, e1) ->
check_align loadop.align;
check_expr c (Some Int32Type) e1;
check_type (Some (type_mem loadop.mem)) et
| Load (memop, e1) ->
check_load c et memop e1

| Store (storeop, e1, e2) ->
check_align storeop.align;
check_expr c (Some Int32Type) e1;
check_expr c (Some (type_mem storeop.mem)) e2;
check_type None et
| Store (memop, e1, e2) ->
check_store c et memop e1 e2

| LoadExtend (extendop, e1) ->
check_mem_type extendop.memop.ty;
check_load c et extendop.memop e1

| StoreTrunc (truncop, e1, e2) ->
check_mem_type truncop.memop.ty;
check_store c et truncop.memop e1 e2

| Const v ->
check_literal c et v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,8 +241,23 @@ and check_arm c t et arm =
check_literal c (Some t) l;
check_expr c (if fallthru then None else et) e

and check_load c et memop e1 at =
check_align memop.align at;
check_expr c (Some Int32Type) e1;
check_type (Some memop.ty) et at

and check_store c et memop e1 e2 at =
check_align memop.align at;
check_expr c (Some Int32Type) e1;
check_expr c (Some memop.ty) e2;
check_type None et at

and check_align align at =
require (Lib.Int.is_power_of_two align) at "non-power-of-two alignment" (fun a ->
require (Lib.Int.is_power_of_two a) at "non-power-of-two alignment") align

and check_mem_type ty sz at =
require (ty = Int64Type || sz <> Memory.Mem32) at "memory size too big"

Expand Down
24 changes: 20 additions & 4 deletions ml-proto/src/spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,15 +168,31 @@ let rec eval_expr (c : config) (e : expr) =
local c x := v1;

| Load ({mem; ext; align = _}, e1) ->
| Load ({ty; align = _}, e1) ->
let v1 = some (eval_expr c e1) in
(try Some (Memory.load c.modul.memory (Memory.address_of_value v1) mem ext)
let a = Memory.address_of_value v1 in
(try Some (Memory.load c.modul.memory a ty)
with exn -> memory_error exn)

| Store ({mem; align = _}, e1, e2) ->
| Store ({ty = _; align = _}, e1, e2) ->
let v1 = some (eval_expr c e1) in
let v2 = some (eval_expr c e2) in
(try c.modul.memory (Memory.address_of_value v1) mem v2
let a = Memory.address_of_value v1 in
(try c.modul.memory a v2
with exn -> memory_error exn);

| LoadExtend ({memop = {ty; align = _}; sz; ext}, e1) ->
let v1 = some (eval_expr c e1) in
let a = Memory.address_of_value v1 in
(try Some (Memory.load_extend c.modul.memory a sz ext ty)
with exn -> memory_error exn)

| StoreTrunc ({memop = {ty; align = _}; sz}, e1, e2) ->
let v1 = some (eval_expr c e1) in
let v2 = some (eval_expr c e2) in
let a = Memory.address_of_value v1 in
(try Memory.store_trunc c.modul.memory a sz v2
with exn -> memory_error exn);

Expand Down
136 changes: 64 additions & 72 deletions ml-proto/src/spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,35 +3,24 @@

open Bigarray
open Types
open Values

(* Types and view types *)

type address = int
type size = address
type mem_size = int
type extension = SX | ZX | NX
type mem_type =
Int8Mem | Int16Mem | Int32Mem | Int64Mem | Float32Mem | Float64Mem

type segment =
addr : address;
data : string
type mem_size = Mem8 | Mem16 | Mem32
type extension = SX | ZX
type segment = {addr : address; data : string}
type value_type = Types.value_type
type value = Values.value

type memory' = (int, int8_unsigned_elt, c_layout) Array1.t
type memory = memory' ref
type t = memory

(* Queries *)

let mem_size = function
| Int8Mem -> 1
| Int16Mem -> 2
| Int32Mem | Float32Mem -> 4
| Int64Mem | Float64Mem -> 8

(* Creation and initialization *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,57 +66,60 @@ let address_of_value = function

(* Load and store *)

let load8 mem a ext =
(match ext with
| SX -> Int32.shift_right (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int !mem.{a}) 24) 24
| _ -> Int32.of_int !mem.{a})

let load16 mem a ext =
Int32.logor (load8 mem a NX) (Int32.shift_left (load8 mem (a+1) ext) 8)

let load32 mem a =
Int32.logor (load16 mem a NX) (Int32.shift_left (load16 mem (a+2) NX) 16)

let load64 mem a =
Int64.logor (Int64.of_int32 (load32 mem a)) (Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int32 (load32 mem (a+4))) 32)

let store8 mem a bits =
(* Store the lowest 8 bits of "bits" at byte index a, discarding the rest. *)
!mem.{a} <- Int32.to_int bits

let store16 mem a bits =
store8 mem (a+0) bits;
store8 mem (a+1) (Int32.shift_right_logical bits 8)

let store32 mem a bits =
store16 mem (a+0) bits;
store16 mem (a+2) (Int32.shift_right_logical bits 16)

let store64 mem a bits =
store32 mem (a+0) (Int64.to_int32 bits);
store32 mem (a+4) (Int64.to_int32 (Int64.shift_right_logical bits 32))

let load mem a memty ext =
let open Types in
match memty, ext with
| Int8Mem, _ -> Int32 (I32.of_int32 (load8 mem a ext))
| Int16Mem, _ -> Int32 (I32.of_int32 (load16 mem a ext))
| Int32Mem, NX -> Int32 (I32.of_int32 (load32 mem a))
| Int64Mem, NX -> Int64 (I64.of_int64 (load64 mem a))
| Float32Mem, NX -> Float32 (F32.of_bits (load32 mem a))
| Float64Mem, NX -> Float64 (F64.of_bits (load64 mem a))
| _ -> raise Type
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Bounds

let store mem a memty v =
(match memty, v with
| Int8Mem, Int32 x -> store8 mem a (I32.to_int32 x)
| Int16Mem, Int32 x -> store16 mem a (I32.to_int32 x)
| Int32Mem, Int32 x -> store32 mem a (I32.to_int32 x)
| Int64Mem, Int64 x -> store64 mem a (I64.to_int64 x)
| Float32Mem, Float32 x -> store32 mem a (F32.to_bits x)
| Float64Mem, Float64 x -> store64 mem a (F64.to_bits x)
| _ -> raise Type)
with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Bounds
let rec loadn mem n a =
assert (n > 0 && n <= 8);
let byte = try Int64.of_int !mem.{a} with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Bounds in
if n = 1 then
Int64.logor byte (Int64.shift_left (loadn mem (n-1) (a+1)) 8)

let rec storen mem n a v =
assert (n > 0 && n <= 8);
let byte = (Int64.to_int v) land 255 in
(try !mem.{a} <- byte with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Bounds);
if (n > 1) then
storen mem (n-1) (a+1) (Int64.shift_right v 8)

let load mem a t =
match t with
| Int32Type -> Int32 (Int64.to_int32 (loadn mem 4 a))
| Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn mem 8 a)
| Float32Type -> Float32 (F32.of_bits (Int64.to_int32 (loadn mem 4 a)))
| Float64Type -> Float64 (F64.of_bits (loadn mem 8 a))

let store mem a v =
match v with
| Int32 x -> storen mem 4 a (Int64.of_int32 x)
| Int64 x -> storen mem 8 a x
| Float32 x -> storen mem 4 a (Int64.of_int32 (F32.to_bits x))
| Float64 x -> storen mem 8 a (F64.to_bits x)

let loadn_sx mem n a =
assert (n > 0 && n <= 8);
let v = loadn mem n a in
let shift = 64 - (8 * n) in
Int64.shift_right (Int64.shift_left v shift) shift

let load_extend mem a sz ext t =
match sz, ext, t with
| Mem8, ZX, Int32Type -> Int32 (Int64.to_int32 (loadn mem 1 a))
| Mem8, SX, Int32Type -> Int32 (Int64.to_int32 (loadn_sx mem 1 a))
| Mem8, ZX, Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn mem 1 a)
| Mem8, SX, Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn_sx mem 1 a)
| Mem16, ZX, Int32Type -> Int32 (Int64.to_int32 (loadn mem 2 a))
| Mem16, SX, Int32Type -> Int32 (Int64.to_int32 (loadn_sx mem 2 a))
| Mem16, ZX, Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn mem 2 a)
| Mem16, SX, Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn_sx mem 2 a)
| Mem32, ZX, Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn mem 4 a)
| Mem32, SX, Int64Type -> Int64 (loadn_sx mem 4 a)
| _ -> raise Type

let store_trunc mem a sz v =
match sz, v with
| Mem8, Int32 x -> storen mem 1 a (Int64.of_int32 x)
| Mem8, Int64 x -> storen mem 1 a x
| Mem16, Int32 x -> storen mem 2 a (Int64.of_int32 x)
| Mem16, Int64 x -> storen mem 2 a x
| Mem32, Int64 x -> storen mem 4 a x
| _ -> raise Type

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