This is the front end for the following apps:
Here are the steps to get the development version running. First, read our Developer's Guide gdoc to make sure you have all of the necessary prerequisites installed, including the correct version of NodeJS that matches the version specified in our package.json and yarn.
Clone this repository into a directory of your choice from the terminal using git clone [url of this repository]
Install and use the version of nodejs currently listing in our package.json
Create a .env file at the project root and request the contents from @JoshuaVSherman.
You will not be able to build without this file, so there is no need to try installing anything until you have this in place.
From the same directory, run
yarn install
Run npm start to start the webpack development server.
Install the Aurelia Inspector Chrome extension to allow debugging of the font end code.
Now, open your browser and go to localhost:9000
The homepage should display correctly.
Note: you will not be able to use the "Login" feature of the website unless you also run the back end server.
To get the latest version of code, git pull origin dev, create a new branch, then switch to your own branch.
You cannot push directly to the dev branch. Push to your own branch and then submit a pull request to the dev branch.
We are using BrowserStack to test compatibility with Safari and IE 11, and we thank them for supporting open-source projects.