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Time function (in kibana 6.x only)

ytzlax edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 3 revisions


This functionality allow you to set dashboard global time

this.iframeElement = document.getElementById('iframe');
this.iframeWindow = (<HTMLIFrameElement>this.iframeElement).contentWindow;

let time={from: '2015-12-14T14:56:26.288Z', to: '2015-12-14T15:11:26.289Z', mode: "absolute"};

let message={actionType: "setDashboardTime", time}

this.iframeWindow.postMessage(message, '*');

Lets explain the message object:

actionType: In this case "setDashboardTime"

time: The the time object, time object example:

let time:{from: '2015-12-14T14:56:26.288Z', to: '2015-12-14T15:11:26.289Z', mode: "absolute"}

let time: {from: 'now-24h', to: 'now', mode: "quick"};

let time: {from: 'now-12h', to: 'now', mode: "relative"};


This functionality allow you to set dashboard refresh interval

this.iframeElement = document.getElementById('iframe');
this.iframeWindow = (<HTMLIFrameElement>this.iframeElement).contentWindow;

let refresh={pause: false, value: 1000};

let message={actionType: "setRefreshInterval", refresh}

this.iframeWindow.postMessage(message, '*');

Lets explain the message object:

actionType: In this case "setRefreshInterval"

refresh: refresh object, the value is in millisecond

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