Tweeter FullStack - This is a social network that posibility interact with tweets, user, comment and bookmarks. This was make with TypeScript how language programming, Storybook to documentation, Jest for unitary/integration tests, Cypress to e2e tests and all informatios/interactions was make consuming a own api make with nodejs.
- - Create an account.
- - Sign in in your account.
- - View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
- - View tweets by user.
- - Scroll infinite with SWR in all pages.
- - Filter tweets by Media, Likes, Top, Latest and Tweets
- - Follow/Unfolllow a user.
- - Change image of avatar and background from user.
- - List followings and followers from user.
- - Edit informations from user.
- - Show bookmarks filtered.
- - View your profile.
- - View users and profile from another users.
- - Search tweets by content.
- - Search people by name.
- - View your feed.
- - Create new tweet public/private.
- - Create new tweet with image.
- - Delete a tweet.
- - Like/unlike a tweet.
- - Save/unsave tweet how bookmark.
- - Create a comment.
- - Like/unlike a comment.
- - Delete a comment.
- - Show main trends.
- - Show a season that recommend who follow.
- - Toggle the color scheme between light and dark mode
- - Keep light/dark mode, even after refreshing the browser.
- - Logout your account.
Feature | Coded? | Description |
SignIn. | β | Ability to signIn in application. |
Create User. | β | Ability to create a account. |
Show all users. | β | Ability to show all users. |
Show user by id. | β | Ability to show a user by id. |
Show followings. | β | Ability to show all followings from a user. |
Show followers. | β | Ability to show all followers from a user. |
Show bookmarks. | β | Ability to show bookmarks from a user. |
Show who follow. | β | Ability to recommend users to follow. |
Edit informations and image about user. | β | Ability to edit informations and images about user. |
Following a user. | β | Ability to follow a user. |
Unfollow a user. | β | Ability to unfollow a user. |
Create a tweet with image. (optional) | β | Ability to create a image with or no image. |
Show all tweets. | β | Ability to show all tweets. |
Show tweets by user. | β | Ability to show tweets by user. |
Show tweets private only if follow this user. | β | Ability to show tweets private only if follow this user. |
Show trends for you. | β | Ability to show main trends. |
Save tweet how bookmark. | β | Ability to save a tweet how bookmark. |
Remove tweet from bookmark. | β | Ability to remove a tweet from bookmark. |
Like a tweet. | β | Ability to like a tweet. |
Remove like from tweet. | β | Ability to remove a like from tweet. |
Delete tweet. | β | Ability to delete tweet. |
Create a comment for a tweet with image. (optional) | β | Ability to create a comment for a tweet with or no image. |
Like a comment. | β | Ability to like a comment. |
Remove like from comment. | β | Ability to remove like from comment. |
Delete comment. | β | Ability to delete a comment. |
To run this fullstack application you must follow the steps of both the frontend and the backend in the repositories below to run them in sync.