Web app where you can rate beers including the categories:
- Taste
- Aroma
- Crushability: Can you drink a lot of it
- Happy: If you could only drink this beer for the rest of your life, would you die a happy human?
Tested out using firebase for this one:
- Authentication: Anonymous, you add beers in the firebase console firestore editor.
- Access control: Firestore rules make sure users can only send in new ratings.
- Storage: Firestore
- Create a Firebase project in the Firebase Console.
- In the Firebase console, enable Anonymous authentication on your project by doing: Authentication > SIGN-IN METHOD > Anonymous > Enable > SAVE
- In the Firebase console, enable Firestore on your project by clicking Create Database in the Cloud Firestore section of the console and answering all prompts.
- Copy/Download this repo and open this folder in a Terminal.
- Install the Firebase CLI if you do not have it installed on your machine:
npm -g i firebase-tools
- Set the CLI to use the project you created on step 1:
firebase use --add
- Deploy the Firestore security rules and indexes:
firebase deploy --only firestore
- Copy your projects app configuration from the firebase console, Add app > Web > Give nickname > Copy settings object, paste it into the
, DON'T commit this. - Run a local server:
yarn start
- Run the all in one command, make sure you are using the correct firebase project using
firebase --use
prior to running this:yarn deploy
- add diagrams
- average score per user, breakdown of total
- per beer, positives neutral negatives 12, 3, 45
- How much the average rating went up, or down while drinking.
- x: ppm alcohol/blood
- y: rating increase/decrease