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WikiTeq's MediaWiki Docker image

Docker build and push

The image is based on centos and runs MediaWiki software. The image consists of the following:

  • Apache 2.x web server
  • PHP 7.x
  • Monit
  • ImageMagick + FFMpeg + Curl
  • Composer
  • ClamAV client

Note: the image does not contain a database embed, so it won't work without external MySQL/MariaDB instance connected.

Quick start

From scratch via Docker Compose

From existing wiki dump via Docker Compose

  • Clone the sample stack repository
  • Copy .env.example to .env
  • Modify the .env file if necessary
  • Copy your existing database dump to __initdb directory (both .sql and .gz formats are supported)
  • Copy your existing images directory to _data/mediawiki/images
  • Copy your wiki LocalSettings.php file to _settings/LocalSettings.php
  • Run docker-compose up -d

See for details on the database dumps importing.

Docker Compose base template

The base minimal docker-compose.yml template could look like below:

version: '2'
    image: mysql:8.0
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --expire_logs_days=3
    restart: unless-stopped
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=${MW_DB_NAME:-mediawiki}
      - ./__initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
      - ./_data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql

    restart: unless-stopped
      - "${PORT:-}:80"
      - db
      # Use .env file to provide values
      - MW_ADMIN_USER=${MW_ADMIN_USER:-admin}
      - MW_ADMIN_PASS=${MW_ADMIN_PASS:-admin}
      - MW_DB_NAME=${MW_DB_NAME:-mediawiki}
      - MW_DB_USER=${MW_DB_USER:-root}
      - MW_DB_PASS=${MW_DB_PASS:-mediawiki}
      - MW_LOAD_SKINS=${MW_LOAD_SKINS:-Vector}
      - MW_LOAD_EXTENSIONS=${MW_LOAD_EXTENSIONS:-ParserFunctions,WikiEditor}
      - ./_data/mediawiki:/mediawiki
      - ./_logs/httpd:/var/log/httpd
      - ./_logs/mediawiki:/var/log/mediawiki

The latest recommended version of the stack can be found at with details on the directories structure

Environment variables

Below is the list of evironment variables used by the image:

  • MW_SITE_SERVER configures $wgServer; set this to the server host and include the protocol like http://my-wiki:8080
  • MW_SITE_NAME configures $wgSitename
  • MW_SITE_LANG configures $wgLanguageCode
  • MW_DEFAULT_SKIN configures $wgDefaultSkin
  • MW_ENABLE_UPLOADS configures $wgEnableUploads
  • MW_USE_INSTANT_COMMONS configures $wgUseInstantCommons
  • MW_ADMIN_USER configures the default administrator username
  • MW_ADMIN_PASS configures the default administrator password
  • MW_DB_NAME specifies the database name that will be created automatically upon container startup
  • MW_DB_USER specifies the database user for access to the database specified in MW_DB_NAME
  • MW_DB_PASS specifies the database user password
  • MW_DB_INSTALLDB_USER specifies the database superuser name for create database and user specified above
  • MW_DB_INSTALLDB_PASS specifies the database superuser password; should be the same as MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in db section.
  • MW_PROXY_SERVERS (comma separated values) configures $wgSquidServers. Leave empty if no reverse proxy server used.
  • MW_MAIN_CACHE_TYPE configures $wgMainCacheType. MW_MEMCACHED_SERVERS should be provided for CACHE_MEMCACHED.
  • MW_MEMCACHED_SERVERS (comma separated values) configures $wgMemCachedServers.
  • MW_AUTOUPDATE if true (by default), run needed maintenance scripts automatically before web server start.
  • MW_SHOW_EXCEPTION_DETAILS if true (by default) configures $wgShowExceptionDetails as true.
  • PHP_LOG_ERRORS specifies log_errors parameter in php.ini file.
  • PHP_ERROR_REPORTING specifies error_reporting parameter in php.ini file. E_ALL by default, on production should be changed to E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT.
  • MW_ENABLE_SITEMAP_GENERATOR defines if sitemap generation is enabled or not
  • MW_SITEMAP_PAUSE_DAYS if the above is enabled, sets the delys between sitemap regenerations
  • PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE sets max upload size
  • PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE sets max post size
  • LOG_FILES_COMPRESS_DELAY sets logs compression delay in seconds
  • LOG_FILES_REMOVE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS sets lifespan for old logs
  • MW_ENABLE_TRANSCODER defines if the transcoder service is enabled
  • MW_JOB_TRANSCODER_PAUSE sets the transcoder service delay in seconds
  • MW_ENABLE_JOB_RUNNER defines if the job runner service is enabled
  • MW_JOB_RUNNER_PAUSE sets the job runner service delay in seconds
  • MW_ENABLE_EMAIL controls the $wgEnableEmail
  • MW_ENABLE_USER_EMAIL controls the $wgEnableUserEmail
  • MW_EMERGENCY_CONTACT controls the $wgEmergencyContact
  • MW_PASSWORD_SENDER controls the $wgPasswordSender
  • MW_DB_TYPE controls the $wgDBtype
  • MW_DB_SERVER controls the $wgDBserver
  • MW_DB_NAME controls the $wgDBname
  • MW_USE_CACHE_DIRECTORY controls the $wgCacheDirectory, if set to true puts $IP/cache as a value
  • MW_SECRET_KEY controls the $wgSecretKey
  • MW_USE_IMAGE_MAGIC controls the $wgUseImageMagick
  • MW_LOAD_SKINS controls the list of extension to enable out of the pre-installed skins list (see below)
  • MW_LOAD_EXTENSIONS controls the list of extension to enable out of the pre-installed extensions list (see below)

Pre-installed extensions

The image has the following extensions pre-installed. These pre-installed extensions can be enabled via MW_LOAD_EXTENSIONS env:

  • AdminLinks
  • AdvancedSearch
  • AJAXPoll
  • AntiSpoof
  • ApprovedRevs
  • Arrays
  • BetaFeatures
  • Bootstrap
  • BreadCrumbs2
  • CategoryTree
  • ChangeAuthor
  • CharInsert
  • CheckUser
  • CirrusSearch
  • ContributionScores
  • Elastica
  • Cite
  • CiteThisPage
  • CodeEditor
  • CodeMirror
  • Collection
  • CommentStreams
  • CommonsMetadata
  • ConfirmAccount
  • ConfirmEdit
  • ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha
  • ConfirmEdit/ReCaptchaNoCaptcha
  • ContactPage
  • DataTransfer
  • DebugMode
  • Description2
  • Disambiguator
  • DismissableSiteNotice
  • DisplayTitle
  • Echo
  • EditAccount
  • EmbedVideo
  • EncryptedUploads
  • EventLogging
  • EventStreamConfig
  • ExternalData
  • FixedHeaderTable
  • Flow
  • Gadgets
  • GlobalNotice
  • googleAnalytics
  • GoogleAnalyticsMetrics
  • GoogleDocCreator
  • GoogleDocTag
  • GTag
  • HeaderFooter
  • HeaderTabs
  • HeadScript
  • HTMLTags
  • IframePage
  • ImageMap
  • InputBox
  • Interwiki
  • LabeledSectionTransclusion
  • Lazyload
  • Lingo
  • LinkSuggest
  • LinkTarget
  • LiquidThreads
  • LocalisationUpdate
  • LockAuthor
  • Lockdown
  • LookupUser
  • Loops
  • Maps
  • MassMessage
  • MassMessageEmail
  • MassPasswordReset
  • Math
  • Mendeley
  • MobileDetect
  • MobileFrontend
  • MsUpload
  • MultimediaViewer
  • MyVariables
  • NCBITaxonomyLookup
  • Nuke
  • NumerAlpha
  • OATHAuth
  • OpenGraphMeta
  • OpenIDConnect
  • PageExchange
  • PageForms
  • PageImages
  • PageSchemas
  • ParserFunctions
  • PdfHandler
  • PluggableAuth
  • Poem
  • Popups
  • PubmedParser
  • Renameuser
  • ReplaceText
  • RevisionSlider
  • RottenLinks
  • SandboxLink
  • SaveSpinner
  • Scopus
  • Scribunto
  • SecureLinkFixer
  • SelectCategory
  • SemanticExternalQueryLookup
  • SemanticExtraSpecialProperties
  • SemanticCompoundQueries
  • SemanticDrilldown
  • SemanticMediaWiki
  • SemanticQueryInterface
  • SemanticResultFormats
  • SemanticScribunto
  • ShowMe
  • SimpleChanges
  • SimpleMathJax
  • Skinny
  • SkinPerNamespace
  • SkinPerPage
  • SocialProfile
  • SoundManager2Button
  • SpamBlacklist
  • SRFEventCalendarMod
  • SubPageList
  • Survey
  • Sync
  • SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
  • Tabber
  • Tabs
  • TemplateData
  • TemplateStyles
  • TextExtracts
  • Thanks
  • TimedMediaHandler
  • TinyMCE
  • TitleBlacklist
  • TwitterTag
  • UniversalLanguageSelector
  • UploadWizard
  • UploadWizardExtraButtons
  • UrlGetParameters
  • UserMerge
  • Variables
  • VEForAll
  • VisualEditor
  • VoteNY
  • WhoIsWatching
  • Widgets
  • WikiEditor
  • WikiForum
  • WikiSEO
  • Wiretap
  • YouTube

Pre-installed skins

The image has the following skins pre-installed, there extensions can be enabled via MW_LOAD_SKINS env:

  • chameleon
  • CologneBlue
  • MinervaNeue
  • Modern
  • MonoBook
  • Refreshed
  • Timeless
  • Vector

ClamAV client

The image has the ClamAV client installed, it expects to have a ClamD installed on the Docker host machine (or somewhere else) and won’t work without it. ClamAV client does not contain the viruses signature database and sends files for scanning to ClamD via TCP Socket ( by default).

You can install and configure ClamD on the Docker host machine to listen on TCPSocket 3310 (ClamD default TCP port) and TCPAddr (Docker default gateway IP available for all containers). Just add these parameters to /etc/clamav/clamd.conf file. And define the antivirus configuration in LocalSettings.php file:

# Antivirus configuration
$wgAntivirusSetup = [
	'clamavD' => [
	    'command' => "/usr/bin/clamdscan --no-summary --fdpass %f",
	    'codemap' => [
	        "0"   =>  AV_NO_VIRUS,     #no virus
	        "1"   =>  AV_VIRUS_FOUND,  #virus found
	        "52"  =>  AV_SCAN_ABORTED, #unsupported file format (probably immune)
	        "*"   =>  AV_SCAN_FAILED,  #else scan failed
	    'messagepattern' => '/.*?:(.*)/sim', 
# Use daemonized scanner through socket
$wgAntivirus = "clamavD";


Depending on the setup approach the container will handle the settings files as below:

  • Fresh install: ** The default LocalSettings.php is generated automatically by the MediaWiki's install.php script ** The DockerSettings.php contains settings specific to the container, it handles all the specific of this image like automatically enabling of some settings when certain type of cache is enabled, etc. This file is appended to the default LocalSettings.php generated above
  • Importing existing database: ** The DockerSettings.php is symlinked directly as root LocalSettings.php

Custom settings files

The container looks for a custom settings file at _settings/LocalSettings.php so you can mount the _settings directory to the container and put the LocalSettings.php file there. This file will be appended to the bottom of the DockerSettings.php

Data (images, database)

Data like uploaded images and the database files stored in the _data directory Docker containers write files to these directories using internal users; most likely you cannot change/remove these directories until you change permissions

Log files

Log files stored in _logs directory

Runtime directories structure

  • /mediawiki - the volume that stores images, cache and various extension persistent files like compiled_templates for Widgets or config files for SMW extension which are being symlinked into /var/www/html/w. The volume must be mounted to persistent storage like a folder outside the docker container (./_data/mediawiki for example). The container will not start if /mediawiki is not mounted to a folder, but if you know what you do, you can allow to start the container without mounting /mediawiki if you set MW_ALLOW_UNMOUNTED_VOLUME environment variable as true.
  • /mw_origin_files - a temp/backup directory to toss some of original files and directories of the wiki core
  • /var/www/html/w - the main wiki web root
  • /var/log/apache2 - logs for Apache web server

Service scripts

  • - main entrypoint
  • - runs MediaWiki jobs via job queue
  • - runs transcoding jobs via job queue
  • - generates sitemaps
  • - rotates and compresses the logs


The entrypoint is script. This script does all the necessary stuff related to the initial container setup, detecting settings, detecting the need to do a fresh wiki install or database initialization. The script is also in response of stating all the rest of the service scripts.

Simplified actions taken are as below:

  • Fetch necessary settings via getMediawikiSettings.php
  • Do necessary checks to ensure we're good to go
  • Syncs /mw_origin_files with /var/www/html/w
  • Sets directories permissions
  • Waits for other services to start
  • Starts maintenance/install.php (if it's a fresh installation) and appends the DockerSettings.php to the bottom of generated /var/www/html/w/LocalSettings.php
  • Or symlinks /var/www/html/w/DockerSettings.php -> /mediawiki/LocalSettings.php
  • Starts service scripts
  • Runs maintenance/update.php and SMW maintenance scripts
  • Starts the Apache


The image is bundled with DebugMode extension which can be enabled via MW_DEBUG_MODE=true environment variable plus adding your IP address to $wgDebugModeForIP array

Running custom post-init scripts

It's possible to run extra script after the initial setup is done and before the Apache is started in the container, to do so mount the / script into container. Note, the script will be executed under the root user so if necessary use chown or run commands via runuser -c "ls -al" -s /bin/bash "$WWW_USER".