FLANN - Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors! - Part of the WildMe / Wildbook IA Project.
This is a Fork of the FLANN repo, under a different name for use in the Wildbook project. The main difference is that it has a few more helper function calls and it should be easier build wheels and to pip install.
FLANN is a library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces. It contains a collection of algorithms we found to work best for nearest neighbor search and a system for automatically choosing the best algorithm and optimum parameters depending on the dataset. FLANN is written in C++ and contains bindings for the following languages: C, MATLAB, Python, and Ruby.
Check FLANN web page [here](http://www.cs.ubc.ca/research/flann).
Documentation on how to use the library can be found in the doc/manual.pdf file included in the release archives.
More information and experimental results can be found in the following paper:
- Marius Muja and David G. Lowe, "Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration", in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'09), 2009 [(PDF)](http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/uploads/FLANN/flann_visapp09.pdf) [(BibTex)](http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~mariusm/index.php/FLANN/BibTex)
If you want to try out the latest changes or contribute to FLANN, then it's recommended that you checkout the git source repository: git clone git://github.com/mariusmuja/flann.git
If you just want to browse the repository, you can do so by going [here](https://github.com/mariusmuja/flann).
This package requires the following system dependencies:
- lz4 (in debian as liblz4)
- pkg-config (in debian as pkg-config)
- gcc (use build-essential in debian)
For development use the run_develop_setup.sh
FLANN is distributed under the terms of the [BSD License](https://github.com/mariusmuja/flann/blob/master/COPYING).