My solutions(Golang) of problems in
- Faster and Better solutions.
- 100% coverage tests.
- 100% benchmark tests.
If you like it then you can put a ⭐Star on it.
Single Repetition Duration
' and 'LeetCode Run Time
' are for reference only.
All tests should be run on a same machine, and through multiple benchmark tests.
git clone "$YOUR_PROJECT_PATH"
go test -v -run=. ./solutions/...
go test -bench=. -benchmem ./solutions/...
- WindomZ/leetcode-init - A tool to create leetcode code template via cli.
Welcome to pull requests(PRs) of the better solutions.
- Pass all LeetCode test cases.
- Pass all my test cases.
- Faster than mine! (on a machine, and run benchmark tests repeatedly)
Welcome to report bugs, suggest ideas and discuss on issues page.