Engine for checking the odds of an Elevens solitaire game being won. It is believed that the game comes out (i.e. the player wins) about 10% of the time.
For the rules of Elevens, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevens
Two positional parameters are supported:
- The number of games to play in each iteration
- The mode (P, N or T) - see below
ElevensRig.exe 100 P
ElevensRig.exe 5000 N
ElevensRig.exe 250 T
P - Picture cards are checked first
N - Non-picture cards are checked first
T - Test mode. See the game being played. Stops at the end of the iteration. Alternates between P & N mode.
N.B. modes P & N run forever! Press CTRL-C to stop. Suggest using at least 10 games for each of these modes.
Last updated: 4 December 2023