#X2CRM Developer Utilities
Clone the Git repository and either add the directory to your path or copy both x2util and .x2util_rsync_exclude to a directory within your path.
Futhermore, the following environment variables must be configured or passed to x2util via command line options. A sample .bashrc file has been provided with this repository.
GITDIR - The location of your X2CRM git repository (path up to but not including /X2CRM)
WORKINGDIR - The location of the files you will be developing on (path up to but not including /X2CRM)
MYSQLUSER - The username of your MySQL user. Must have permissions to create/drop their own database
MYSQLPASS - The password with the associated MySQL user
MYSQLDATABASE - The name of the MySQL database to install to
INSTALLREMOTE - 0 or 1, whether to install to a remote server. If 1, the next 3 options are required
REMOTEUSER - The username to connect to the remote server with
REMOTESERVER - The hostname of the remote server to connect to
REMOTEWEBROOT - The location of the webroot to install X2CRM to on the remote server
Simply run "x2util [command]" where command is one of the options documented in the help text for x2util. Run "x2util -h" for more information on the command line options
-Add support for ignoring server-specific unit/functional testing configuration
-Rebuild additional existing scripts in python as we discover we need them