- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Composer
composer require xrplwin/xrpl
In sample below we will be using account_tx method.
$client = new \XRPLWin\XRPL\Client([
# Following values are defined by default, uncomment to override
//'endpoint_reporting_uri' => 'http://s1.ripple.com:51234',
//'endpoint_fullhistory_uri' => 'https://xrplcluster.com'
# Create new 'account_tx' method instance
$account_tx = $client->api('account_tx')->params([
'account' => 'rAccount...',
'limit' => 10
This will return an instance of XRPLWin\XRPL\Api\Methods\AccountTx
If you wish to define custom behaviour when request is rate-limited you can via Closure
function. Define this before executing send()
//(optional) Override default cooldown seconds (default is 5 seconds)
//(optional) Override default number of tries when request is rate-limited (default is 3)
//(optional) Set http timeout to 3 seconds (default is 0 - eg no timeout)
// After 3 seconds method will throw \XRPLWin\XRPL\Exceptions\BadRequestException on timeout
//(optional) Define custom cooldown callback
* @param int $current_try Current try 1 to max
* @param int $default_cooldown_seconds Predefined cooldown seconds
* @return void|boolean return false to stop process
function(int $current_try, int $default_cooldown_seconds) {
//Sample usage: calculate how much sleep() is needed depending on
$sec = $default_cooldown_seconds * $current_try;
if($sec > 15) return false; //force stop
# Send request to Ledger
try {
} catch (\XRPLWin\XRPL\Exceptions\XWException $e) {
// Handle errors
throw $e;
if(!$account_tx->isSuccess()) {
//XRPL response is returned but field result.status did not return 'success'
# Get fetched response as array
$response = $account_tx->resultArray(); //array response from ledger
# Get fetched response as object
$response = $account_tx->result(); //object response from ledger
# Get fetched final result from helper (varies method to method)
$transactions = $account_tx->finalResult(); //array of transactions
Class method send()
executes request against XRPLedger and response is stored into instance object. After that you can use one of provided class methods to retrieve result.
Alternative to fetch syncronous response as defined above, you can get Promise
Read more about Promises. Returned object is Promises/A+ implementation.
$promise = $account_tx->requestAsync();
$promises = [
'rAcct1' => $promise,
//...more promises
// Wait for the requests to complete
// Throws a ConnectException if any of the requests fail
$responses = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\Utils::unwrap($promises);
//Fill response data back into $account_tx instance
$transactions = $account_tx->finalResult();
Notes: You will need to handle rate limiting and exception handling yourself when using Promises. Also each promise must be created from new instance of \XRPLWin\XRPL\Client
this is to make sure each promise has its own seperated HttpClient instance.
# Check if there is next page
//$has_next_page = $account_tx->hasNextPage(); //bool
# Fetch next page of transactions if there is next page (next() does not return null)
if($next_account_tx = $account_tx->next()) {
$next_result = $next_account_tx->send()->finalResult();
// ...
To quick retrieve next instance to be executed (next page) you can use next()
. This class method will return instance of XRPLWin\XRPL\Api\Methods\AccountTx
with same parameters plus added marker from previous request. This helper function is not mandatory, you can always create new method instance manually like this $client->api('account_tx')->params([ ..., ['marker'] => [ ... ]]
See samples for more information.
- Prepare instance by setting params
- Use send() to execute request and handle errors by using try catch. (Request will be re-tried x amount of times if rate-limit is detected)
- XRPLedger response is stored in memory and it is available to read via
$account_tx = $client->api('account_tx')->params([
'account' => 'rAccount...',
'limit' => 10
$account_tx = $client->api('tx')->params([
'transaction' => 'DE80B0064677CEFFDE...',
'binary' => false
For other methods refer to https://xrpl.org/websocket-api-tool.html and src/Api/Methods
There are few utilities available with this package:
- Balance changes (with tranding fees optional calculation)
- Flags
- UNLReport Flag Ledger
- Currency code to readable currency code
use XRPLWin\XRPL\Utilities\Flags;
Flags::extract(int $flags, string $transactionType): array
Flags::description(string $transactiontype, string $flagname, bool $htmlFormat = false): string
Flags::hasFlag(int $flags, int $check): bool
Flag ledger is calculated using modulo formula LedgerIndex % 256.
use XRPLWin\XRPL\Utilities\UNLReportFlagLedger;
UNLReportFlagLedger::isFlag(256); //for ledger sequence 256 - true
UNLReportFlagLedger::isFlag(257); //for ledger sequence 257 - false
UNLReportFlagLedger::prev(6873600); //6873344
UNLReportFlagLedger::prevOrCurrent(6873600); //6873600
UNLReportFlagLedger::next(6873600); //6873856
UNLReportFlagLedger::nextOrCurrent(6873600); //6873600
Converts Currency Code ISO or HEX to human readable representation.
use XRPLWin\XRPL\Utilities\Util;
#Syntax: Util::currencyToSymbol(string $ISO_or_HEX, $malformedUtf8ReturnString = '?')
//ISO Currency Code
Util::currencyToSymbol('EUR') //EUR
//Deprecated Demurrage Currency Code
Util::currencyToSymbol('0158415500000000C1F76FF6ECB0BAC600000000') //XAU (-0.5% pa)
//Nonstandard Currency Code
Util::currencyToSymbol('534F4C4F00000000000000000000000000000000') //SOLO
Read more:
- https://xrpl.org/docs/references/protocol/data-types/currency-formats/#currency-formats
- https://xrpl.org/docs/concepts/tokens/fungible-tokens/demurrage/
Run all tests in "tests" directory.
composer test
./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox