A work in progress discord bot for the ilaris ttrpg.
If you use this dev version, make sure that the bot can only be invited by you. Otherwise, others can view your log and groups without administrator rights.
Needs to be updated
Prints a hello user messageilaris
Posts an image of the given page if argument is numeric. Else...r
Rolls a die. Special named throws: {"I": "1d20", "III": "3d20", "I+": "1@2d20", "I++": "1@3d20", "III+": "2@4d20", "III++": "2@5d20", "+": "2@4d20", "++": "2@5d20"}
Creates a new group with yourself as the GMgdestroy
Destroys a group that you've createdgjoin
Join a group as a playergleave
Leave a group as a playerglist
List all groupsgset
Sets a group key like 'uhrzeit'. Setting 'spieler' below the...remove_player
Removes a player from your group
Shows this message
Type !help command
for more info on a command (including parameter descriptions).
You can also type !help category
for more info on a category.
This guide is not final. It is not very well written, but only for those who really want to hose this bot right now. This guide will only cover linux, but as we are talking about python there won't be great changes... probably.
If you want to host this bot, please be aware that it is work in progress. Bugs will still occur and you alone are responsible for including it in your servers.
First you need to acquire a bot token.
Clone the repository
Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/discordbot
Install dependencies (mainly pyyaml
and discord.py
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
I might be forgetting some. If you encounter issues regarding missing files, open an issue and I will write more about what's needed.
is a folder containingManöverkarten
Gatsu's Manöverkartenpluginresources/ilaris/
is a folder containing the core rules as image files (ilaris-001.png
, ...,ilaris-219.png
In order to convert pdfs to images use from
sudo apt install poppler-utils
the command
pdftoppm -png FileIn.pdf outName
Need more info on converting PDFs to images?
is a file containing your token.resources/groups/groups.yml
is a file containing existing groups
As long as ilaris_bot
is running, your ilarisdiscordbot instance is up. Enjoy.
Check the discord.log
file if anything goes wrong.