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Releases: Xeno69/Domination

Domination 4.40

20 Nov 16:14
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  • Fixed: Major gamebreaker, revive screen stayed black when a player died an revive max lives was set to unlimited

Domination 4.39

19 Nov 16:02
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ATTENTION: extDB3 domination-custom.ini file has changed (update it with the one available in the Domination_4_39.7z download file)
ATTENTION2: The missionsave table in the Domination sql database has changed, either execute DAddColumn_d_vrespawn_vecs_4_39.sql (in Heidi for example) or make the changes yourself

  • Added: Force streamfriendlyui through param, by Longtimegamer
  • Added: "Bots are silent" Parameter (description.ext d_ai_silent) to silence recruited AI radio chatter, by longtimegamer
  • Changed: In the non TT versions the positions of the default Domination base vehicles and all bonus vehicles is now saved to missionsave too, if those vehicles are alive and more than 700 meters away from base
    Additionally, if an ammobox is loaded it is saved too and if MHQs are deployed it is also saved
  • Changed: Enemy AI CAS now adjust firing position if player has moved
  • Changed: Main target sidemission non AI objects must now also be destroyed by satchels
  • Changed: Refactored building selection for garrisoned enemies, by Longtimegamer
  • Changed: A player with no revive lives left can exit revive spectating with the X key
  • Changed: UAV patrols at main targets (if UAVs are available), by lelik
  • Changed: Better air ai integration, by lelik
  • Fixed: Database mission progress autosave (already in the 4.38 reupload at GitHub)
  • Fixed: Revive spectating was using missionnamespace var name for unit reference which sometimes doesn't return anything; switched to UID
  • Fixed: If a mash got destroyed (or a FARP) then the marker was not removed correctly
  • Fixed: Call CAS was broken because of a wrong variable name
  • Fixed: Class rhsgref_BRDM2_ATGM_msv no longer exists in RHS leading to script errors during vehicle creation
  • Fixed: Don't delete uniform, vest, headgear or backpack if players ends up with none of them when Virtual Arsenal gets closed
  • Fixed: Number of units did not get reduced for paratroopers over main targets when d_smallgrps was activated
  • Fixed: Vanilla Altis OPFOR version was broken, d_allmen_W was not defined at all
  • Fixed: Create a unique group for each civ module instead of using the same group, by longtimegamer
  • Fixed: Fix CUP BLUFOR air taxis by using different aircraft, by jlillis
  • Fixed: Don't throw an error if the number of d_target_x is not the same in the mission as in the SQL DB data save
  • Fixed: UAVs created at MHQs are now indestructible. Prevents players from beeing stuck in some weird camera mode
  • Fixed: It could happen that a player was still attached to a remote player after revive (because of dragging or carrying)
  • Improved: If a player has no revive lives left show a message in the spectating dialog so he actually knows it :)
  • Improved: More different enemy groups, by lelik
  • Updated: Russian translation by Babayka

Domination 4.38

27 Oct 14:05
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ATTENTION: extDB3 domination-custom.ini file has changed. You need to copy the one from the download file @extDB3\sql_custom folder to your server @extDB3\sql_custom folder

ATTENTION2: mode was set to 1 in description.ext CfgRemoteExec Functions and Commands. That means only script commands and functions defined in CfgRemoteExec are allowed to be executed remotely now. Set to 2 to disable it if it causes issues

  • Added: In params "With AI recruitment" you can now select "Yes, but AI may not enter static weapons" (description.ext d_with_ai value 2)
  • Added: Parameter to announce enemy artillery or CAS without capturing intel (d_tell_arty_cas, "Always announce enemy artillery / CAS"), by Longtimegamer
  • Added: Parameter to randomize armor at maintarget and side missions (-1 fir d_WithLessArmor and d_WithLessArmor_side), by Longtimegamer
  • Changed: CfgRemoteExec functions and commands mode is set to 1 (only whitelisted functions/commands are allowed for remote execution) in description.ext now; please note that it might block scripting commands and functions used in addons/mods
  • Changed: Show the number of votes a main target got as number beside the marker
  • Changed: Bigger parajump dialog
  • Fixed: Number of player teamkills did not get added correctly to the SQL database
  • Fixed: If with AI recruitment is enabled you can now use additional addons which create AI on the player side without the mission deleting them
  • Optimized: Only broadcast the last global marker command over the network and not all

Domination 4.37

24 Oct 11:21
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  • Fixed: mapondraw script error introduced in 4.36

Domination 4.36

23 Oct 12:22
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  • Added: Boat patrols when sea or rivers are near a main target, by Lelik
  • Fixed: Secondary weapons (launchers) got removed in arsenal/inventory even when they were valid weapons (stupid copy and paste error)
  • Fixed: min/max spawn radius for guerrilla infantry spawn to avoid creating guerrillas too close or too far from maintarget
  • Fixed: Side mission objects like radio towers were spawning in the air (at least in the UNSUNG version)

Domination 4.35

19 Oct 17:46
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  • Changed: FIR Rocket Launchers removed from pylon loadout when FIR AWS is loaded (some hundred Hydra rockets at once at the AO will bring even the fastest server down)
  • Fixed: Somehow a weird Altis TT version managed to get into the download 7z file
  • Updated: Chineseimp translation by CHL198011

Domination 4.34

16 Oct 13:42
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  • Added: Your local system time is displayed beside the FPS number
  • Added: Param d_ai_persistent_corpses (Persistent AI corpses), maintarget AI leave persistent corpses until the target is cleared, by longtimegamer
  • Added: Camouflage script, changes camouflage trait depending on stance
  • Changed: Use setVehiclePosition instead of setPos units into the air and falling too avoid spawning in a rock
  • Changed: A marker will show up after some time in cache side missions and get smaller too help players find the caches
  • Changed: Better CUP island check for internal objectsmapper
  • Changed: You can now disable ACE medical system and use the internal mission Revive when ACE is running (d_ACEMedicalR in description.ext, Use ACE Medical Revive and not mission Revive (if ACE is available) in lobby)
  • Changed: Add small bunkers to high static weapons (currently only available for non 3rd party versions)
  • Changed: Two new grass settings, one can now select: none / medium / full / high / very high, by longtimegamer
  • Improved: Make use of new configOf scripting command where possible
  • Fixed: New chopper MHQ couldn't load ammo boxes in the GMCWG versions
  • Fixed: Use correct event handler for ACE arsenal, by jilillis
  • Fixed: ACRE radios were not available in Virtual Arsenal in ranked mode
  • Fixed: Better handling for destroying side mission objects (last damager was not taken into account, broke side missions like the arty cannon sm)
  • Fixed: Better handling for destroying main target side mission objects (last damager was not taken into account)
  • Fixed: Inventory weapon check is now checking all available weapons instead of just the ones in BI arsenal (which are missing Hamr, pointer, ACO, etc, etc)
  • Fixed: Destroying a respawn barrack or vehicle MHQ at a taken main target still added points to players and displayed a destroyed message
  • Fixed: Static weapons should spawn on roads less often
  • Fixed: Static weapons should no longer point at walls
  • Fixed: hallyg_dlegion_Snipe_awareness script did not end when a unit it was running for was no longer alive
  • Fixed: Map on draw was not drawing displayname for vehicles correctly
  • Fixed: Copy and paste error resulting in non existent variables when loading a DB savegame
  • Fixed: Copy and paste error in getbonus script
  • Fixed: Respawned Inf AI could get stuck in the wall in front of a respawn barrack
  • Fixed: Recruited AI (when with AI is enabled) was subject of dyanmic simulation thus stopping those player controlled if they were too far away; they did also not trigger dyn sim
  • Fixed: Shooting at objects which can only be destroyed by satchels no longer resets the object damage to zero (like main target radio tower for example)
  • Fixed: The CUP team renamed some CfgGroups RU infantry class names yet again resulting in less units spawning
  • Fixed: Possible non remote jail objects did not get deleted when a jailed user disconnected
  • Removed: d_no_3rd_person parameter (No 3rd person), allowed 3rd person view in vehicles only. There is now a new A3 game difficulty setting (see
  • Updated: Korean translation by kkim
  • Updated: Russian translation by Babayka

Domination 4.33

25 Jul 09:20
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  • Added: rabbit rescue event, by longtimegamer
  • Added: New parameter d_retakefarps, default 0 = Yes, On. If set to 1/No all Farps will be available at mission start
  • Changed: ACE arsenal box back in non ranked version and d_arsenal_mod set to 1
  • Fixed: Script error in fn_helilift.sqf, _oldmass undefined error
  • Fixed: Score/points for destroying a barrack at main targets were only added and shown if a database was available
  • Fixed: Players got two times score added when a barrack at main target was destroyed in the TT version
  • Fixed: Main target mission objective could fail because of wrong friendly units check
  • Updated: Russian translation

Domination 4.32

18 Jul 08:15
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  • Fixed: Move side mission groups to a headless client later. Prevents inf AI units from dying
  • Fixed: Chinese string accidentally added to Russian translation
  • Fixed: Wreck repair point (and probably other repair points) did not work in the Unsung version (and maybe other 3rd party mod versions)
  • Fixed: Ammo load point did not work in the Unsung version
  • Fixed: If a player removed a weapon in Virtual Arsenal and did not add a new one the previous weapon was added again when he closed Virtual Arsenal

Domination 4.31

15 Jul 22:27
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ATTENTION: Blufor Altis Carrier version has changed!!!!

  • Changed: If you play a mod version like CUP, GMCWG or Unsung and use only mod weapons and items then a player can no longer load vanilla weapons in Virtual Arsenal
  • Fixed: When ACE was running the mission still used ace_arsenal_displayOpened and ace_arsenal_displayClosed eventhandlers even though only BI arsenal was used
  • Fixed: Ammo point and wreck repair point markers did not show in the Unsung version
  • Fixed: Pylon loadout didn't work anymore in base
  • Fixed: The mission did no longer recognize additional respawn points placed with an object with d_respawn_point_x as variable name
  • Fixed: Helicopters on board of the aircraft carrier in the Carrier version constantly exploded on respawn
  • Updated: Russian translation