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Additional database settings

Alexander Olk edited this page Apr 23, 2022 · 7 revisions

There are also some additional settings available in the database table dom_settings. Please note that those settings will overwrite the ones in the mission init files. So don't do changes in the mission sqf files but in the dom_settings table for those variables (if you use the database).


Default: True
If set to true then the params from dom_params2 table will be used. If false then an admin can change the params in the server lobby or description.ext params values will be used.


Default: false
If set to true then mission progress will be saved automatically each time a main target is done or a sidemission is resolved.
When the mission starts again it will load the progress automatically.
After the last target is done the auto mission progress is deleted in the database.


Default: []
Here you can add reserved slots for admins, for example ["d_artop_1"]. Means, when a player doesn't log in as admin and choses such a slot he/she will be kicked to the server lobby



Default (for both): []
Almost the same as d_reserved_slot except that you can add the A3 UIDs for those slots in d_uids_for_reserved_slots so also non admin players have reserved slots


Default: [30,7,15,5,10,5,10,4,2]
Special points for the PvPvE TT version

  • 30, // points for the main target winner team
  • 7, // points if draw (main target)
  • 15, // points for destroying main target radio tower
  • 5, // points for main target mission
  • 10, // points for sidemission
  • 5, // points for capturing a camp (main target)
  • 10, // points that get subtracted when loosing a mt camp again
  • 4, // points for destroying a vehicle of the other team
  • 2 // points for killing a member of the other team


Default: 600 (seconds)
Time it takes till CAS is available again


Default: [20,[3,2,1,0],10,3,10,10,20,3,["Corporal","Sergeant","Lieutenant","Lieutenant","Sergeant","Corporal"],30,400,10,200,20,10,5,20,4,1,20,20,10,20]
d_ranked_a is used in the ranked version and some values if a SQL database is found and ranked is not on

  • 20, // points that an engineer must have to repair/refuel a vehicle
  • [3,2,1,0], // points engineers get for repairing an air vehicle, tank, car, other
  • 10, // points an artillery operator needs for a strike
  • 3, // points in the AI version for recruiting one soldier
  • 10, // points a player needs for an AAHALO parajump
  • 10, // points that get subtracted for creating a vehicle at a MHQ
  • 20, // points needed to create a vehicle at a MHQ
  • 3, // points a medic gets if someone heals at his Mash
  • ["Corporal","Sergeant","Lieutenant","Lieutenant","Sergeant","Corporal"], // Ranks needed to drive different vehicles, starting with: kindof wheeled APC, kindof Tank, kindof Helicopter (except the inital 4 helis), Plane, Ships/Boats, StaticWeapon
  • 30, // points that get added if a player is xxx m in range of a main target when it gets cleared
  • 400, // range the player has to be in to get the main target extra points
  • 10, // points that get added if a player is xxx m in range of a sidemission when the sidemission is resolved
  • 200, // range the player has to be in to get the sidemission extra points
  • 20, // points needed for an egineer to rebuild the support buildings at base
  • 10, // not used anymore !!! Was points needed to build MG Nest before
  • 5, // points needed in AI Ranked to call in an airtaxi
  • 20, // points needed to call in an air drop
  • 4, // points a medic gets when he heals another unit
  • 1, // points that a player gets when transporting others
  • 20, // points needed for activating satellite view
  • 20, // points needed to build a FARP (engineer)
  • 10, // points a player gets for reviving another player
  • 20, // points a Squad Leader needs for CAS
  • 20 // points a player gets for bringing a wreck to the repair point


Default: [20,50,90,140,200,270,500]
Points needed for to progress rank (Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel and General).
In non ranked version this is just cosmetics


Default: [500,2000,5000,9000,14000,20000,30000]
Same as d_points_needed, but as player stats like score is saved and added to a database it needs a little bit more higher score to make it interesting


Default: [250,150,320,170]
These are the base and min respawn times for vehicle and inf groups at main targets (player numbers also count)
Inf base time, inf min time, vehicle base time, vehicle min time, all in seconds
Means, inf base time minus number of players but at least wait 150 to respawn a group, same for vehicles


Default: true
If set to false player score will not be saved to the database but will always be 0 when a Domination mission starts


Default: 120
Launcher cooldown time when a player fires a guided launcher. If set to 0 there will be no cooldown time


Default: 1
Number of attack planes simultaneously over the main target


Default: 1
Number of attack choppers simultaneously over the main target


Default: 1
Number of light attack choppers simultaneously over the main target


Default: 1
Number of UAVs simultaneously over the main target


Default: false
If set to true it dsiables the ambient sound at main targets


Default: [ [10,300],[20,400],[30,500],[500,600]]
With 10 players it takes 300 seconds, with 20 players 400 seconds and so on


Default: []
Add player UIDs from players who are allowed too fly the initial base choppers; for Example: ["784938984678349"]; Empty = no check