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XorDev edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

Three Mice In a Trenchcoat is a game developed by TheSnidr (engine code), Bart (modeling), Spud (music), and myself (graphics code). Originally made for the 40th GMC Jam, but has since been expanded and polished a bit.

Mice with painting

The concept is simple. You are a mouse with one goal, and that is to end the reign of an evil pug king by defeating him and stealing his crown while most of his guards are at a dance party. You must travel through a multi-story castle in search of the king, avoiding traps and enemies along the way. The king has ordered his guards to catch and imprison any mouse they see, so you must always be on alert and try to slip by them unnoticed. Any mice you rescue along the way will help you on your mission to restore freedom to the kingdom.

You may download the source code and see how it was made.

And here's a little development montage video: YouTube

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