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Sessions Syllabus for GDSC Workshop 2023

Dart Sessions

Session 1

- Variables 
    - Built-in Types
        - Numbers
        - Strings 
        - Booleans 
        - Lists 
        - Maps
        - Null
        - Iterable
    - Hints on new types 
        - Enum
        - Future and Stream
        - Dynamic 
    - const vs final 
        - why to use final over const
        - optimization
- Functions 
    - Parameters
        - Named parameters
            - Requirded 
            - Nullable
        -  Positional parameter
            - nullable
            - not nullable
        -  Optional positional
    - Anonymous functions 
    - print
        - interpolation 
- Flow 
    - ternary condition
    - switch will be used 
- List
    - map
    - for each
    - for vs for in
    - asMap
    - first where
    - map vs foreach
    - where
- iterable
    - how to convert from iterable to list 
    - map → iterateable → tolist

Session 2

- Error catching
    - try - on - catch - finally
        - Throw
        - rethrow
    - Exceptions
        - custom Exception
    - Either 
        - right only
        - right and left
        - fold 
- Future
    - .value
    - .delayed
    - onError vs catchError
- Stream
    - periodic
        - listen
        - cancel
    - async vs async* - await
    -  return vs yield
    - status codes
    - decode / encode

Session 3

- Class And Object
    - attributes
    - constuctors
    - setter and getter
    - methods
- Constructors
    - defualt
    - named
    - const
- Override Methods
    - other class methods
    - operators
- Encapsulation
    - getter
    - setter
- Inheritance
    - single level
    - multi level
    - Hierarchical level
- Super Keyword
    - Implacity super constructor
- Abstractions
- Interfaces
- Mixins

Sessions Syllabus for Flutter

Session 4

- Motivation 
    - video vs picture
    - what is frame
- what is state
    - what is state
    - change state
- stateful vs stateless 
    - what is statelss 
    - what is stateful 
    - importance why there is different 
- how to manipulate state
    - using set state
    - brief intro about state management 
- what is event 
- Set state
- application 
    - type buttons 

Session 5

- Project overview
- run vs main
- MaterialApp / Scaffold
- widget
    - Appbar
    - Container
        - padding
        - decoration
    - Center
    - Column
    - Row 
    - Text
    - CircleAvatar
    - Icon
    - Image
    - Text Style
    - Single Childview
    - Divide
    - VerticalDivider
    - ListView
    - GridView
- reusable components
- intro to clean code

Session 6

- onBoarding screen
- toast
- changing the icon of the app
- search bar
- sliver app bar
- change name of the app
- splash screen
- sliders 
- svg package
- navigation bar
- snackbar 
- alert 

Session 7

- what is responsive and adaptive
    - responsive
        - why do we need responsive 
        - example of bad responsive
        - good approach for responsive
    - adaptive 
        - what is adaptive
        - how many platforms are supported by Flutter
            - IOS
            - Linux 
            - Android
            - Windows
            - Web
            - MacOs
- thinking type 
    - orientation 
    - device size 
    - local ui design
- Breakpoints 
    - what is breakpoints 
    - dimensions 
        - mobile 
            - 480
        - table
            - 768
        - window
            - 1024
- common error 
    - incorrect use of parrent wedgit 
    - expanded → column 
- what is media query 
    - bad use of media query 
    - what is media query
    - orientation vs size 
- layout builder 
- widgets
    - expanded 
    - flexible 
    - spacer 
    - sizedbox
- screen_util approach

Additional Session for Version Control : GitHub


  • status
    • git status
      • tag
        • -s
          • brief status
    • which branch are u in
    • status of files
      • tracked
      • tunracked
    • git ls-files
    • git log
  • commit to repo
    • git commit
      • tags
        • -m
          • gives message
    • chnage file from staged into
  • Motivation
    • why they created GitHub?
    • version-control method
      • Local Version Control Systems
      • Centralized Version Control Systems
      • Distributed Version Control Systems
  • Architecture
    • feature
      • track
        • everything
        • there is history (LOG)
      • os indepenedent
      • unique id
    • working directory vs git repo
      • working directory
        • offline
        • has only the updated version of the file
      • github repo
        • has the history
    • How to track
      • Blob
        • content
        • metadata
        • two types of tracking
          • untracked(U)
          • tracked
            • modified(M)
            • unmodified
      • Tree
        • content
        • metadata
    • Tree architecture
      • what are the components
        • working directory
        • staging
        • GitHub directory
      • benefits
        • if u wanna review back before it
  • initialize repo
    • git init
    • take care it is in the folder itself
  • git ignore
  • git pull
  • git clone
  • git branch
  • what is head
  • how to checkout ??
  • add to stage
    • git add
      • this add all files into stage area
    • git rm
      • it removes from stage area



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