This Galaxy tool is used to prepare your files to be ready for JBrowse visualization.
- Similar interface to Hub Archive Creator.
- Convert tracks to GFF3 datatypes (e.g Blastxml => GFF3) in order to import feature data from the flat files
- Group the tracks
- Set the color for each track
- Set the label for each track
- Support generating Tabix Indexed CanVasFeatures tracks
- Create workflows within Galaxy to automatize pipeline analysis and get them ready to visualization inside a few clicks!
At the moment, Supported datatypes are:
- Generic BED
- Splice Junctions (BED 12+1)
- Simple Repeats (BED 4+12)
- BLAT alignment (BigPsl)
- BLAST alignment (BED 12+12)
- BigWig
- GFF3
- Blast XML output
ToolShed Installation:
The JBrowse Archive Creator tool is published at ToolShed Repository
Refer to Installing Tools into Galaxy tutorial if you want to learn how to install a tool from ToolShed.
See for more information
If you are having issues, please let us know.
For more information about how to use G-OnRamp:
- Wilson Leung - Product owner and developer
- Yating Liu - Community manager and developer
For more information about the project vision, or for partneship:
- Elgin, Sarah - PI
- Jeremy Goecks - PI
The project is licensed under the Academic Free License 3.0. See LICENSE.txt.