This repository is a team project built by :
We have done this project for our ESGI C courses.
We have implemented a basic UI to be able to create tables, columns, etc. You can also execute queries on data (select, update, delete, insert, order by, where, joins ...) more info here.
In this project sources you will be able to find a basic YAML parser which can handle maps and sequences. There is also a serializer. All the code is in ./src/code. You can find what's about SQL in the sql directory and the YAML parser in the yaml directory. For the parser there is a lot of useful functions which are all documented here.
We also have done unit testing, you can find them in ./tests.
To build this project use CMake : cmake CMakeLists.txt
You can also use it in your favorite IDE, we used CLion for this project.
It was a pleasure to code this project, if you have any questions you are free to ask :)