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Virtual Showcase

View-dependent stereo in the Unity game engine. Allows viewing runtime imported .GLB models with motion parallax. Off-axis projection is used to achieve the correct camera perspective.

The Unity project source code is in the src folder. In addition to the Unity application, there are the scripts and models folders. Those are related to my photogrammetry pipeline for visualizing the restoration process of statues in different stages of restoration, which I then import into the Virtual Showcase application.

Download the latest Windows build.


If you just want to see how it works, download the build from the releases.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone

  1. Import these assets from the Unity Asset Store:
  • Big Furniture Pack for the room decoration. To change the materials to be URP compatible, select the materials in Assets/BigFurniturePack/Models/Materials and go to EditRenderingMaterialsConvert Selected Built-in Materials to URP.

  1. Download these .fbx models - PcMonitor.fbx, uploads_files_873805_studio_objs.fbx and put them in Assets/Objects via the file explorer, not dragging into Unity (the .meta file with guid gets rewritten if dragged inside the Unity window). I don't want to add them to the repo due to licensing issues.

  1. You should be asked to import TextMeshPro after the first run (the essentials are enough).


KalmanFilter for smoothing eye keypoints.



Recorded before implementing position interpolation, so movement appears a bit choppy due to a low FPS webcam.