A minimal site that Googles how selected tech companies design a system. Check it 👈🏻 out!
Searching for system design ideas is much harder than finding a code snippet from Stack Overflow. Here is why:
Google gives you popular (or highly SEO optimized) results, but they are not necessarily the best-written ones.
But as a software engineer, you know a few tech companies that write better than others. Why not scope the search to find faster?
Here comes How X Do Y. You just type the search term, select companies of interest, press Enter, done.
How the industry do recommendation systems? https://howxdoy.vercel.app/?q=recommendation%20system 👈🏻
How Netflix do recommendation systems? https://howxdoy.vercel.app/?q=recommendation%20system&orgs=netflix 👈🏻
Who are trying Rust? https://howxdoy.vercel.app/?q=rust 👈🏻
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