This client is now officiallly supported by EventStore Ltd. The code is now hosted here:
Talk and exchange ideas in our dedicated Discord Server
That driver supports 100% of EventStore features ! More information about the GetEventStore database can be found there:
- 64bits system
- GHC >= 8.0.3
- Cabal >= 1.18
- EventStore >= 4 (Doesn't support EventStore 2020 Preview yet, previously named version 6).
Note: If you use this client version >= to 1.1
, it will only supports EventStore >= 4.0.0.
- Using Hackage
$ cabal update
$ cabal install eventstore
- From source
$ git clone
$ cd eventstore
$ cabal install
Tests are available. Those assume a server is running on
and 1113
$ cabal test
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- That library uses `Text` pervasively. This pragma permits to use
-- String literal when a Text is needed.
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (wait)
import Data.Aeson
-- It requires to have `aeson` package installed. Note that EventStore doesn't constraint you to JSON
-- format but putting common use aside, by doing so you'll be able to use some interesting EventStore
-- features like its Complex Event Processing (CEP) capabality.
import Database.EventStore
-- Note that imports 'NonEmpty' data constructor and 'nonEmpty' function from
-- 'Data.List.NonEmpty'.
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- A common pattern with an EventStore connection is to create a single instance only and pass it
-- wherever you need it (it's threadsafe). It's very important to not consider an EventStore connection like
-- its regular SQL counterpart. An EventStore connection will try its best to reconnect
-- automatically to the server if the connection dropped. Of course that behavior can be tuned
-- through some settings.
conn <- connect defaultSettings (Static "" 1113)
let js = object ["isHaskellTheBest" .= True] -- (.=) comes from Data.Aeson module.
evt = createEvent "programming" Nothing (withJson js)
-- Appends an event to a stream named `languages`.
as <- sendEvent conn (StreamName "languages") anyVersion evt Nothing
-- EventStore interactions are fundamentally asynchronous. Nothing requires you to wait
-- for the completion of an operation, but it's good to know if something went wrong.
_ <- wait as
-- Again, if you decide to `shutdown` an EventStore connection, it means your application is
-- about to terminate.
shutdown conn
-- Make sure the EventStore connection completes every ongoing operation. For instance, if
-- at the moment we call `shutdown` and some operations (or subscriptions) were still pending,
-- the connection aborted all of them.
waitTillClosed conn
That library was tested on Linux and OSX.
Contributions and bug reports are welcome!
BSD3 License
-Yorick Laupa