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The plugin that contains all custom Yoast tasks

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ^1.0.4

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm i @yoast/grunt-plugin-tasks --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this bit of JavaScript:

// Load Grunt configurations and tasks
loadGruntConfig( grunt, {
    configPath: path.join( process.cwd(), "node_modules/@yoast/grunt-plugin-tasks/config/" ),
    overridePath: path.join( process.cwd(), project.paths.config ),
    data: project,
    jitGrunt: {
        staticMappings: {
            addtextdomain: "grunt-wp-i18n",
            makepot: "grunt-wp-i18n",
            glotpress_download: "grunt-glotpress",
            "update-version": "@yoast/grunt-plugin-tasks",
            "set-version": "@yoast/grunt-plugin-tasks",
} );

You can override individual task configs by adding them to your plugin's local grunt config directory.

Tasks this adds

This adds the following tasks to your plugin's repo (see below for usage):

The addtextdomain task

See: cedaro/grunt-wp-i18n

Using our configuration

The textdomain value is read from the package.json: plugin.textdomain.
The files value is read from the Grunt configuration: files.php.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named addtextdomain to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    addtextdomain: {
        options: {
            textdomain: "",    // Project text domain.
            updateDomains: []  // List of text domains to replace.
        target: {
            files: {}          // Files to target.
} );



Type: String
Default value: ''
Example value: 'plugin-or-theme-slug'

Defaults to the "Text Domain" header if it exists, otherwise uses the project directory name.


Type: Array|true
Default value: []
Example value: [ 'original-domain', 'vendor-domain' ]

A list of text domains to replace with the new text domain. Setting the value to true will update all text domains with the new text domain.

Usage Examples

Options may be specified at the task or target level, but are optional. Each target must define the files that should be processed. It's not necessary to declare a destination since the files will be updated in place.

grunt.initConfig( {
    addtextdomain: { 
        options: {
            textdomain: 'my-plugin-slug',
        target: {
            files: {
                src: [
} );

The checktextdomain task

See: stephenharris/grunt-checktextdomain

Using our configuration

The options.textdomain value is read from the package.json: plugin.textdomain.
The options.keywords is


The files.src value is read from the Grunt configuration: files.php.
The files.expand is true.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named checktextdomain to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    checktextdomain: {
        options: {}, // Task-specific options.
        files: {}    // Files to target.
} )



Type: String|Array

Must be provided. A text domain (or an array of text domains) indicating the domains to check against.


Type: Array

An array of keyword specifications to look for.


Type: Bool
Default value: true

Whether to report use of keywords without a domain being passed.


Type: Bool
Default value: true

Whether to report use of keywords with a variable being used as the domain.


Type: Bool
Default value: false

Whether to automatically correct incorrect domains. Please note that this does not add in missing domains, and can only be used when one text domain is supplied. This will also correct instances where a variable, rather than string is used as a text doman, unless you set report_variable_domain to false.


Type: Bool
Default value: false

Create a hidden .[target].json file with reported errors.


Type: Bool
Default value: false

Set to true to report text domain errors but not fail the task.

Usage Examples

This is a typical set-up for WordPress development. The only thing specific to WordPress here is the keywords list.

checktextdomain: {
    options: {
        text_domain: "my-domain",
        keywords: [
    files: [
            src: [ "**/*.php" ],
            expand: true

The clean task

See: gruntjs/grunt-contrib-clean

Using our configuration

For our clean tasks we need some Grunt configuration entries: - paths.languages - paths.css - paths.js - files.artifact - files.artifactComposer

The textdomain value is read from the package.json: plugin.textdomain.

We add the following clean tasks:

  • language-files: Cleans the paths.languages path except the index.php file.
  • after-po-download: Cleans files in the paths.languages path with po or json extensions that start with the textdomain followed by -{anything}- and then formal, informal or ao90
    • The textdomain value is read from the package.json: plugin.textdomain.
    • Example filename that would get cleaned in the paths.languages: textdomain-pluginname-informal.json.
  • po-files: Cleans all the files in the paths.languages path with po and pot extensions.
  • build-assets-css: Cleans all the files in the paths.css path with css and map extensions.
  • build-assets-js: Cleans all the files in the paths.js path with min.js and map extensions.
  • artifact: Cleans all the files in the files.artifact path.
  • composer-artifact: Cleans all the files in the files.artifactComposer path.
  • composer-files: Cleans all the files in the files.artifactComposer /vendor path.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named clean to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    clean: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
            src: {},     // Files to target.
} )



Type: Boolean
Default: false

Setting this to true allows the deletion of folders outside the current working dir (CWD). Use with caution.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Will not actually delete any files or directories. If the task is run with the --verbose flag, the task will log messages of what files would have be deleted.

Note: As this task property contains a hyphen, you will need to surround it with quotes.

Usage Examples

There are three formats you can use to run this task.

clean: [ "path/to/dir/one", "path/to/dir/two" ]
Medium (specific targets with global options)
clean: {
    build: [ "path/to/dir/one", "path/to/dir/two" ],
    release: [ "path/to/another/dir/one", "path/to/another/dir/two" ]
Long (specific targets with per target options)
clean: {
    build: {
        src: [ "path/to/dir/one", "path/to/dir/two" ]

The compress task

See: gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compress

Using our configuration

We implement an artifact compress task:

  • The options.archive is set to
  • The options.level is set to 9.
  • The files.cwd is set to artifact/.
  • The files.src is set to **.
  • The files.dest value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named compress to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    compress: {
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
            files: [],   // Files to target.
} )



Type: String or Function
Modes: zip tar

This is used to define where to output the archive. Each target can only have one output file. If the type is a Function it must return a String.

This option is only appropriate for many-files-to-one compression modes like zip and tar. For gzip for example, please use grunt's standard src/dest specifications.


Type: String

This is used to define which mode to use, currently supports gzip, deflate, deflateRaw, tar, tgz (tar gzip),zip and brotli.

Automatically detected per dest:src pair, but can be overridden per target if desired.


Type: Integer
Modes: zip gzip
Default: 1

Sets the level of archive compression.


Type: Object

    mode: 0,
    quality: 11,
    lgwin: 22,
    lgblock: 0

Configure brotli compression settings.


Type: Integer

  • 0: generic mode
  • 1: text mode
  • 2: font mode

Default: 0


Type: Integer
Default: 11

Controls the compression-speed vs compression-density tradeoffs. The higher the quality, the slower the compression. Range is 0 to 11.


Type: Integer
Default: 22

Base 2 logarithm of the sliding window size. Range is 10 to 24.


Type: Integer
Default: 0

Base 2 logarithm of the maximum input block size. Range is 16 to 24. If set to 0, the value will be set based on the quality.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Pretty print file sizes when logging.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

This can be used when you don't want to get an empty archive as a result, if there are no files at the specified paths.

It may be useful, if you don't clearly know if files exist and you don't need an empty archive as a result.

File Data

The following additional keys may be passed as part of a dest:src pair when using an Archiver-backed format. All keys can be defined as a Function that receives the file name and returns in the type specified below.


Type: Date
Modes: zip tar tgz

Sets the file date.


Type: Integer
Modes: zip tar tgz

Sets the file permissions.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

If true, file contents will be archived without compression.


Type: String
Modes: zip

Sets the file comment.


Type: Integer
Modes: tar tgz

Sets the group of the file in the archive.


Type: Integer
Modes: tar tgz

Sets the user of the file in the archive.

Usage Examples

compress: {
    main: {
        options: {
            archive: ""
        files: [
            // Includes files in path.
            { src: [ "path/*" ], dest: "internal_folder/", filter: "isFile" },
            // Includes files in path and its subdirs.
            { src: [ "path/**" ], dest: "internal_folder2/" },
            // Makes all src relative to cwd.
            { expand: true, cwd: "path/", src: [ "**" ], dest: "internal_folder3/" },
            // Flattens results to a single level.
            { flatten: true, src: [ "path/**" ], dest: "internal_folder4/", filter: "isFile" }

The eslint task

See: sindresorhus/grunt-eslint

Using our configuration

We implement two eslint tasks:

  • plugin
    • The plugin.src value is read from the Grunt configuration: files.js.
    • The options.maxWarnings is set to -1.
  • grunt
    • The grunt.src value is read from the Grunt configuration: files.grunt and files.config.
    • The options.maxWarnings is set to -1.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named eslint to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    eslint: {
        options: {}, // Task-specific options.
        target: [],  // Files to target.
} )


See the ESLint options.

In addition the following options are supported:


Type: string
Default: 'stylish'

Name of a built-in formatter or path to a custom one.

Some formatters you might find useful: eslint-json, eslint-tap.


Type: string
Default: ''

Output the report to a file.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Report errors only.


Type: number
Default: -1 (Means no limit)

Number of warnings to trigger non-zero exit code.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Fail the build if ESLint found any errors.

Usage Examples

grunt.initConfig( {
    eslint: {
        options: {
            configFile: "conf/eslint.json",
            rulePaths: [ "conf/rules" ]
        target: [ "file.js" ]
} );

The glotpress_download task

See: markoheijnen/grunt-glotpress

Using our configuration

We implement a plugin task:

  • The options.url value is read from the package.json: plugin.glotpress.
  • The options.domainPath value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.languages.
  • The options.file_format value is set to "%domainPath%/%textdomain%-%wp_locale%.%format%".
  • The options.slug value is read from the package.json: plugin.glotpress_path.
  • The options.textdomain value is read from the package.json: plugin.textdomain.
  • The options.formats value is set to ['mo'].
  • The options.filter value is set to:
    translation_sets  : false,
    minimum_percentage: 50,
    waiting_strings   : false


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named glotpress_download to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
  glotpress_download: {
    options: {},     // Task-specific options.
    your_target: {}, // Target-specific file lists and/or options.
} );



Type: String
Default value: languages

The folder where all downloaded files will be stored.


Type: String
Default value: false

The url of the GlotPress installation (required).


Type: String
Default value: false

The slug is the path in the GlotPress installation which can also be main-folder/sub-folder (required).


Type: String
Default value: false

The textdomain that is used for WordPress. This is needed for the files. If not set, it will fallback to the slug.


Type: String
Default value: %domainPath%/%textdomain%-%wp_locale%.%format%

The structure how the file is being stored. Is based on previous settings but you could create your own format. For now only those four values and short locale can be used. You could however save the files in different folders if you move a placeholder.


Type: Array
Default value: ['po','mo']

The file formats that will be downloaded for each translation set.


Type: object
Default value: {translation_sets: false, minimum_percentage: 30, waiting_strings: false}

You can filter which files you want to have. By default it only checks the minimum percentage translation sets need to be translated. The other parameters still need to be implemented.

Usage Examples

Default Options

In this example, the default options are used to download all translations sets from a project.

grunt.initConfig( {
    glotpress_download: {
        core: {
            options: {
                domainPath: "languages",
                url: "",
                slug: "tabify-edit-screen",
                textdomain: "tabify-edit-screen",
} );

The imagemin task

See: gruntjs/grunt-contrib-imagemin

Using our configuration

We implement a plugin task:

  • The options.use value is set to gifsicle, jpegtran, optipng and svgo.
  • The files array contains two sets: images and assets.
    • Both have the files.expand value set to true.
    • Both have the files.src value set to [ "*.*" ].
    • Both have the files.isFile value set to true.
    • images has the files.cwd and files.dest both read from the Grunt configuration: paths.images.
    • assets has the files.cwd and files.dest both read from the Grunt configuration: paths.assets.

There is an exception for the svgo plugin in order to keep a11y attributes for SVGs. It gets the following configuration:

	plugins: [
		{ removeTitle: true },
		{ removeDesc: true },
			removeUnknownsAndDefaults: {
				keepRoleAttr: true,
				keepAriaAttrs: true,
			addAttributesToSVGElement: {
				attributes: [
					{ role: "img" },
					{ "aria-hidden": "true" },
					{ focusable: "false" },


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named imagemin to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
  imagemin: {
    options: {}, // Task-specific options.
    files: [],   // Files to target.
} );


optimizationLevel (png)

Type: number
Default: 3

Select optimization level between 0 and 7.

progressive (jpg)

Type: boolean
Default: true

Lossless conversion to progressive.

interlaced (gif)

Type: boolean
Default: true

Interlace gif for progressive rendering.

svgoPlugins (svg)

Type: Array

Customize which SVGO plugins to use. More here.


Type: Array
Default: [imagemin.gifsicle(), imagemin.jpegtran(), imagemin.optipng(), imagemin.svgo()]

Plugins to use with imagemin. It comes bundled with the following lossless optimizers:

  • gifsicle — Compress GIF images
  • jpegtran — Compress JPEG images
  • optipng — Compress PNG images
  • svgo — Compress SVG images

These are bundled for convenience and most users will not need anything else.


Type: number
Default: os.cpus().length

Control the maximum number of image optimizations that may be performed in parallel.

Usage Examples

const mozjpeg = require('imagemin-mozjpeg');

grunt.initConfig( {
    imagemin: {
        static: {
            options: {
                optimizationLevel: 3,
                svgoPlugins: [ { removeViewBox: false } ],
                // Example plugin usage.
                use: [ mozjpeg() ]
            files: {
                "dist/img.png": "src/img.png",
                "dist/img.jpg": "src/img.jpg",
                "dist/img.gif": "src/img.gif"
        dynamic: {
            files: [ {
                expand: true,
                cwd: "src/",
                src: [ "**/*.{png,jpg,gif}" ],
                dest: "dist/"
            } ]
} );

The makepot task

See: cedaro/grunt-wp-i18n

Using our configuration

We implement a plugin task:

  • The options.domainPath value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.languages.
  • The options.potFilename value is read from the package.json: plugin.textdomain.
  • The options.potHeaders value is set to:
    • The options.potHeaders.poedit value is set to true.
    • The value is read from the Grunt configuration: pot.reportmsgidbugsto.
    • The options.potHeaders.language-team value is read from the Grunt configuration: pot.languageteam.
    • The options.potHeaders.last-translator value is read from the Grunt configuration: pot.lasttranslator.
  • The options.type value is set to wp-plugin.
  • The options.exclude value is set to [].


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named makepot to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    makepot: {
        target: {
            options: {
                cwd: "",                          // Directory of files to internationalize.
                domainPath: "",                   // Where to save the POT file.
                exclude: [],                      // List of files or directories to ignore.
                include: [],                      // List of files or directories to include.
                mainFile: "",                     // Main project file.
                potComments: "",                  // The copyright at the beginning of the POT file.
                potFilename: "",                  // Name of the POT file.
                potHeaders: {
                    poedit: true,                 // Includes common Poedit headers.
                    "x-poedit-keywordslist": true // Include a list of all possible gettext functions.
                },                                // Headers to add to the generated POT file.
                processPot: null,                 // A callback function for manipulating the POT file.
                type: "wp-plugin",                // Type of project (wp-plugin or wp-theme).
                updateTimestamp: true,            // Whether the POT-Creation-Date should be updated without other changes.
                updatePoFiles: false              // Whether to update PO files in the same directory as the POT file.
} );


All options are optional, but at the very least a target needs to exist. At a minimum, set an option specifying the type of project.

grunt.initConfig( {
    makepot: {
        target: {
            options: {
                type: "wp-plugin"
} );

Type: String
Default value: ''
Example value: 'release'

The directory that should be internationalized. Defaults to the project root, but can be set to a subdirectory, for instance, when used in a build process. Should be relative to the project root.


Type: String
Default value: ''
Example value: '/languages'

The directory where the POT file should be saved. Defaults to the value from the "Domain Path" header if it exists.


Type: String
Default value: []
Example value: ['subdir/.*']

List of files or directories to ignore when generating the POT file. Note that the globbing pattern is a basic PHP regular expression.


Type: String
Default value: []
Example value: ['subdir/.*']

List of files or directories to include when generating the POT file. Note that the globbing pattern is a basic PHP regular expression


Type: String
Default value: ''
Example value: 'plugin-slug.php' or 'style.css'

Name of the main project file where the headers can be found. In themes, this will default to style.css. An attempt will be made to auto-discover the main file for plugins, but specifying it here can improve performance and will help disambiguate between multiple plugin files in the same project.


Type: String
Example value: 'Custom Copyright (c) {{year}}'

Comment at the beginning of the POT file. Defaults to the copyright message generated by makepot.php. Use \n for newlines and {{year}} to insert the current year.


Type: String
Default value: ''
Example value: 'plugin-or-theme-slug.pot'

Name of the POT file. Defaults to the "Text Domain" header if it exists, otherwise uses the project directory name.


Type: Object
Example value: { 'report-msgid-bugs-to': '' }

List of headers to add to the POT file in the form of key-value pairs.

Adding a poedit property with a value of true will add the following commonly-used Poedit headers to ease setup for translators:

    "language": "en",
    "plural-forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
    "x-poedit-country": "United States",
    "x-poedit-sourcecharset": "UTF-8",
    "x-poedit-keywordslist": "__;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c;_nc:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;",
    "x-poedit-basepath": "../",
    "x-poedit-searchpath-0": ".",
    "x-poedit-bookmarks": "",
    "x-textdomain-support": "yes"

If custom values are used for the various Poedit headers, but you want to include WordPress gettext function calls, set the value of x-poedit-keywordslist to true and they will be included automatically.


Type: Function( pot, options )
Default value: null

A callback function for advanced manipulation of the POT file after it's generated.


Type: String
Default value: 'wp-plugin'
Example value: 'wp-plugin' or 'wp-theme'

The type of project.


Type: Boolean
Default value: true

Whether the POT-Creation-Date header should be updated if no other changes to the POT file are detected.


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

GNU gettext must be in your system path to use this option.

Whether to update the PO files that are present in the same directory as the POT file using the msgmerge program.

Usage Examples

Custom Working Directory (cwd)

If using with a custom build process, the following config would process strings in the /dist subdirectory and save the POT file to /dist/languages/plugin-slug.pot.

The report-msgid-bugs-to and language-team POT headers will also be replaced with custom values in the processPot callback.

grunt.initConfig( {
    makepot: {
        target: {
            options: {
                cwd: "dist"
                domainPath: "/languages",
                mainFile: "plugin-slug.php",
                potFilename: "plugin-slug.pot",
                processPot: function( pot, options ) {
                    pot.headers["report-msgid-bugs-to"] = "";
                    pot.headers["language-team"] = "Team Name <>";
                    return pot;
                type: "wp-plugin"
} );

The postcss task

See: nDmitry/grunt-postcss

Using our configuration

We implement a build-default task:

  • The value is read from the Grunt configuration: developmentBuild.
  • The options.processors value is set to:
    require( "autoprefixer" )(),
    require( "cssnano" )(),
  • The src value is read from the Grunt configuration: files.css.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named postcss to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    postcss: {
        options: {}, // Task-specific options.
        dist: {
            src: ""  // Files to target.
} );



Type: Array
Default value: []

An array of PostCSS compatible post-processors.


Type: Boolean|Object
Default value: false

If the map option isn't defined or is set to false, PostCSS won't create or update sourcemaps.

If true is specified, PostCSS will try to locate a sourcemap from a previous compilation step using an annotation comment (e.g. from Sass) and create a new sourcemap based on the found one (or just create a new inlined sourcemap). The created sourcemap can be either a separate file or an inlined map depending on what the previous sourcemap was.

You can gain more control over sourcemap generation by assigning an object to the map option:

  • prev (string or false): a path to a directory where a previous sourcemap is (e.g. path/). By default, PostCSS will try to find a previous sourcemap using a path from the annotation comment (or using the annotation comment itself if the map is inlined). You can also set this option to false to delete the previous sourcemap.
  • inline (boolean): whether a sourcemap will be inlined or not. By default, it will be the same as a previous sourcemap or inlined.
  • annotation (boolean or string): by default, PostCSS will always add annotation comments with a path to a sourcemap file unless it is inlined or the input CSS does not have an annotation comment. PostCSS presumes that you want to save sourcemaps next to your output CSS files, but you can override this behavior and set a path to a directory as a string value for the option.
  • sourcesContent (boolean): whether original file contents (e.g. Sass sources) will be included to a sourcemap. By default, it's true unless a sourcemap from a previous compilation step has the original contents missing.

Type: Boolean|String
Default value: false

Set it to true if you want to get a patch file:

options: {
  diff: true // Or 'custom/path/to/file.css.patch'.

You can also specify a path where you want the file to be saved.


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

Set it to true if you want grunt to exit with an error on detecting a warning or error.


Type: Boolean
Default value: true

Set it to false if you do not want the destination files to be written. This does not affect the processing of the map and diff options.

syntax, parser, stringifier

Options to control PostCSS custom syntaxes.

options: {
  parser: require( "postcss-safe-parser" ) // Instead of a removed `safe` option.
options: {
  syntax: require( "postcss-scss" ) // Work with SCSS directly.

Usage Examples

grunt.initConfig( {
    postcss: {
        options: {
            map: true, // Inline sourcemaps.
            map: {     // Or:
                inline: false,               // Save all sourcemaps as separate files...
                annotation: "dist/css/maps/" // the specified directory
            processors: [
                require( "pixrem" )(),                                        // Add fallbacks for rem units.
                require( "autoprefixer" )( { browsers: "last 2 versions" } ), // Add vendor prefixes.
                require( "cssnano" )()                                        // Minify the result.
        dist: {
          src: "css/*.css"
} );

The rtlcss task

See: MohammadYounes/grunt-rtlcss

Using our configuration

We implement a build task:

  • The value is read from the Grunt configuration: developmentBuild.
  • The options.clean value is set to true.
  • The options.plugins is used to swap icons by having the value set to:
        name: "swap-dashicons-left-right-arrows",
        priority: 10,
        directives: {
            control: {},
            value: [],
        processors: [
                expr: /content/im,
                action: function( prop, value ) {
                    // For dashicons-arrow-left.
                    if ( value === '"\\f141"' ) {
                        value = '"\\f139"';
                        // For dashicons-arrow-left-alt.
                    } else if ( value === '"\\f340"' ) {
                        value = '"\\f344"';
                        // For dashicons-arrow-left-alt2.
                    } else if ( value === '"\\f341"' ) {
                        value = '"\\f345"';
                        // For dashicons-arrow-right.
                    } else if ( value === '"\\f139"' ) {
                        value = '"\\f141"';
                        // For dashicons-arrow-right-alt.
                    } else if ( value === '"\\f344"' ) {
                        value = '"\\f340"';
                        // For dashicons-arrow-right-alt2.
                    } else if ( value === '"\\f345"' ) {
                        value = '"\\f341"';
                    return { prop: prop, value: value };
  • The options.expand value is set to true.
  • The options.cwd value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.css.
  • The options.src value is set to all .css files except ones that end with -rtl.css or -rtl.min.css depending on the Grunt configuration: developmentBuild.
  • The options.dest value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.css.
  • The options.ext value is set to -rtl.css or -rtl.min.css depending on the Grunt configuration: developmentBuild.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named imagemin to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    rtlcss: {}, // See the usage example for the content.
} );



Type: Object

    "autoRename": false,
    "autoRenameStrict": false,
    "blacklist": {},
    "clean": true,
    "greedy": false,
    "processUrls": false,
    "stringMap": []

Specifies RTLCSS options.


Type: Array
Default: []

Specifies custom RTLCSS plugins.


Type: Boolean or Object
Default: false

Specifies whether to generate source maps or not, If you want more control over source map generation, you can define the map option as an object. (see postcss docs).


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Specifies whether to save unmodified files or not.

Usage Examples

rtlcss: {
    myTask: {
        // Task options.
        options: {
            // Generate source maps.
            map: { inline: false },
            // RTL CSS options.
            opts: {
                clean: false
            // RTL CSS plugins.
            plugins: [],
            saveUnmodified: true,
        expand: true,
        cwd: "ltr/",
        dest: "rtl/",
        src: [ "**/*.css" ]

The 'set-version' task

Using our configuration

We implement a packageJSON task:

  • The options.base value is set to yoast.
  • The value is set to pluginVersion.
  • The options.src value is set to package.json.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named yoast_tasks to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    yoast_tasks: {
        options: {},    // Task-specific options.
        your_target: {} // Target-specific file lists and/or options
} );



Type: String
Default value: ''

The JSON file base object for the target to be in.


Type: String
Default value: ''

The child of the options.base object to replace the version string in.


Type: String
Default value: ''

The source JSON file to set the version in.

Usage Examples

packageJSON: {
    options: {
        base: "someOrganisation",
        target: "pluginVersion",
    src: "tmp/testPackage.json",

The shell task

See: sindresorhus/grunt-shell

Using our configuration

We implement the following tasks:

  • composer-install-production
    • The command is set to composer install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev.
  • composer-install-dev
    • The command is set to composer install.
  • composer-reset-config
    • The command is set to git checkout composer.json.
    • The options.failOnError is set to false.
  • composer-reset-lock
    • The command is set to git checkout composer.lock.
    • The options.failOnError is set to false.
  • php-lint
    • The command is set to:
find -L . 
-path ./vendor -prune -o 
-path ./vendor_prefixed -prune -o 
-path ./node_modules -prune -o 
-path ./artifact -prune -o 
-name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 php -l
  • phpcs
    • The command is set to php ./vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/scripts/phpcs.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named shell to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    compress: {
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            command: [], // The shell command to run.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )



Type: string, function

The command you want to run or a function which returns it. Supports underscore templates.



Type: boolean
Default: true

Show stdout in the Terminal.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Show stderr in the Terminal.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Forward the terminal's stdin to the command.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Fail task if it encounters an error. Does not apply if you specify a callback.


Type: boolean
Default: false

This sets stdin to act as a raw device.

callback(err, stdout, stderr, cb)

Type: function
Default: function () {}

Lets you override the default callback with your own.

Make sure to call the cb method when you're done.


Type: object

Specify some options to be passed to the .exec() method:

  • cwd String Current working directory of the child process
  • env Object Environment key-value pairs
  • setsid Boolean
  • encoding String (Default: 'utf8')
  • timeout Number (Default: 0)
  • maxBuffer Number (Default: 200*1024)
  • killSignal String (Default: 'SIGTERM')

Usage Examples

grunt.initConfig( {
    shell: {
        subfolderLs: {
            command: "ls",
            options: {
                stderr: false,
                execOptions: {
                    cwd: "tasks"
} );

The uglify task

See: gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify

Using our configuration

We implement a js task:

  • The options.preserveComments value is set to some.
  • The value is set to gzip.
  • The options.sourceMap value is read from the Grunt configuration: developmentBuild.
  • The files value is set to an array with one object:
    • The options.expand value is set to true.
    • The options.src value is read from the Grunt configuration: files.js.
    • The options.ext value is set to .min.js.
    • The options.extDot value is set to first.
    • The options.isFile value is set to true.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named uglify to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    uglify: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        targetName: {    // The name of your target.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
            files: {},   // Target-specific file lists.
} );



Type: Boolean Object
Default: {}

Turn on or off mangling with default options. If an Object is specified, it is passed directly to ast.mangle_names() and ast.compute_char_frequency() (mimicking command line behavior). View all options here.


Type: Boolean Object
Default: {}

Turn on or off source compression with default options. If an Object is specified, it is passed as options to UglifyJS.Compressor(). View all options here.


Type: Boolean Object
Default: false

Turns on beautification of the generated source code. View all options here


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Parse a single expression, rather than a program (for parsing JSON)


Type: string
Choices: 'min', 'gzip'
Default: 'min'

Report minification result or both minification and gzip results. This is useful to see exactly how well uglify-js is performing but using 'gzip' will make the task take 5-10x longer to complete. Example output.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

If true, a source map file will be generated in the same directory as the dest file. By default it will have the same basename as the dest file, but with a .map extension.


Type: String Function
Default: undefined

To customize the name or location of the generated source map, pass a string to indicate where to write the source map to. If a function is provided, the uglify destination is passed as the argument and the return value will be used as the file name.


Type: String Function
Default: undefined

The location of an input source map from an earlier compilation, e.g. from CoffeeScript. If a function is provided, the uglify source is passed as the argument and the return value will be used as the sourceMap name. This only makes sense when there's one source file.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Pass this flag if you want to include the content of source files in the source map as sourcesContent property.


Type: String
Default: undefined

With this option you can customize root URL that browser will use when looking for sources.

If the sources are not absolute URLs after prepending of the sourceMap.root, the sources are resolved relative to the source map.


Type: String
Default: undefined

Override the calculated value for sourceMappingURL in the source map. This is useful if the source map location is not relative to the base path of the minified file, i.e. when using a CDN


Type: String
Default: undefined

Wrap all of the code in a closure, an easy way to make sure nothing is leaking. For variables that need to be public exports and global variables are made available. The value of wrap is the global variable exports will be available as.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Enables to encode non-ASCII characters as \uXXXX.


Type: Boolean String Function
Default: undefined
Options: false 'all' 'some'

Turn on preservation of comments.

  • false will strip all comments
  • 'all' will preserve all comments in code blocks that have not been squashed or dropped
  • 'some' will preserve all comments that include a closure compiler style directive (@preserve @license @cc_on)
  • Function specify your own comment preservation function. You will be passed the current node and the current comment and are expected to return either true or false
  • RegExp '/[RegExp]/' will preserve comments matching given RegExp or stringified RegExp

Type: String
Default: ''

This string will be prepended to the minified output. Template strings (e.g. <%= config.value %>) will be expanded automatically.


Type: String
Default: ''

This string will be appended to the minified output. Template strings (e.g. <%= config.value %>) will be expanded automatically.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Set this to true if you still care about full compliance with Internet Explorer 6-8 quirks.

Type: Boolean Object
Default: false

Turn on or off property mangling with default options. If an Object is specified, it is passed directly to ast.mangle_properties() (mimicking command line behavior). View all options here.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Use this flag in conjunction with to prevent built-in browser object properties from being mangled.


Type: Array
Default: []

Use this with to pass one or more JSON files containing a list of variables and object properties that should not be mangled. See the UglifyJS docs for more info on the file syntax.


Type: String
Default: ''

A string that is a path to a JSON cache file that uglify will create and use to coordinate symbol mangling between multiple runs of uglify. Note: this generated file uses the same JSON format as the exceptionsFiles files.


Type: Integer
Default: 0

Preserve or enforce quotation mark style.

  • 0 will use single or double quotes such as to minimize the number of bytes (prefers double quotes when both will do)
  • 1 will always use single quotes
  • 2 will always use double quotes
  • 3 will preserve original quotation marks

Usage Examples

grunt.initConfig( {
    uglify: {
        my_target: {
            options: {
                sourceMap: true,
                sourceMapName: "path/to/"
            files: {
                "dest/output.min.js": [ "src/input.js" ]
} );

The 'update-version' task

Using our configuration

We implement the following tasks:

  • options
    • The version value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginVersion.
  • readme
    • The options.regEx value is set to /(Stable tag:\s+)(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})([^\n^\.\d]?.*?)(\n)/.
    • The options.preVersionMatch value is set to $1.
    • The options.postVersionMatch value is set to $5.
    • The src value is set to readme.txt.
  • readmeMd
    • The options.regEx value is set to /(Stable tag:\s+)(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})([^\n^\.\d]?.*?)(\n)/.
    • The options.preVersionMatch value is set to $1.
    • The options.postVersionMatch value is set to $5.
    • The src value is set to
  • pluginFile
    • The options.regEx value is set to /(\* Version:\s+)(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})([^\n^\.\d]?.*?)(\n)/.
    • The options.preVersionMatch value is set to $1.
    • The options.postVersionMatch value is set to $5.
    • The src value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginMainFile.
  • initializer
    • The options.regEx value is set to (define\\( '<%= pluginVersionConstant %>'\\, \\')(\\d+(\\.\\d+){0,3})([^\\.^\\'\\d]?.*?)(\\' \\);\\n).
    • The options.preVersionMatch value is set to $1.
    • The options.postVersionMatch value is set to $5.
    • The src value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginMainFile.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named yoast_tasks to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    yoast_tasks: {
        options: {},     // Task-specific options.
        your_target: {}, // Target-specific file lists and/or options.
} );



Type: String
Default value: ''

The string value that will be the new version string.


Type: String
Default value: ''

A regex string that is used to find the line to be updated in the file.


Type: String
Default value: ''

A prefix to the version string, for example a regex capture group.


Type: String
Default value: ''

A postfix to the version string, for example a regex capture group.

Usage Example

readme: {
    options: {
        version: "1.1",
        regEx: /(Stable tag: )(\d+(\.\d+){0,3})([^\n^\.\d]?.*?)(\n)/,
        preVersionMatch: "$1",
        postVersionMatch: "$5"
    src: "tmp/"

The watch task

See: gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch

Using our configuration

We implement a plugin task:

  • The options.url value is read from the package.json: plugin.glotpress.
  • The options.domainPath value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.languages.
  • The options.formats value is set to ['mo'].


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named watch to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    watch: {
        options: {},    // Global options.
        your_target: {  // The name of your target.
            files: [],  // Files to target.
            tasks: [],  // Tasks to perform on the targets.
            options: {} // Target-specific file lists and/or options.
} );


There are a number of options available. Please review the minimatch options here. As well as some additional options as follows:


Type: String|Array

This defines what file patterns this task will watch. It can be a string or an array of files and/or minimatch patterns.


Type: String|Array

This defines which tasks to run when a watched file event occurs.



Type: Boolean
Default: true

Whether to spawn task runs in a child process. Setting this option to false speeds up the reaction time of the watch (usually 500ms faster for most) and allows subsequent task runs to share the same context. Not spawning task runs can make the watch more prone to failing so please use as needed.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

As files are modified this watch task will spawn tasks in child processes. The default behavior will only spawn a new child process per target when the previous process has finished. Set the interrupt option to true to terminate the previous process and spawn a new one upon later changes.


Type: Integer
Default: 500

How long to wait before emitting events in succession for the same filepath and status. For example if your Gruntfile.js file was changed, a changed event will only fire again after the given milliseconds.


Type: Integer
Default: 100

The interval is passed to fs.watchFile. Since interval is only used by fs.watchFile and this watcher also uses; it is recommended to ignore this option. Default is 100ms.


Type: String|Array
Default: 'all'

Specify the type of watch events that triggers the specified task. This option can be one or many of: 'all', 'changed', 'added' and 'deleted'.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

By default, if Gruntfile.js is being watched, then changes to it will trigger the watch task to restart, and reload the Gruntfile.js changes. When reload is set to true, changes to any of the watched files will trigger the watch task to restart. This is especially useful if your Gruntfile.js is dependent on other files.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

This is only a task level option and cannot be configured per target. By default the watch task will duck punch grunt.fatal and grunt.warn to try and prevent them from exiting the watch process. If you don't want grunt.fatal and grunt.warn to be overridden set the forever option to false.


Type: Function

This is only a task level option and cannot be configured per target. By default when the watch has finished running tasks it will display the message Completed in 1.301s at Thu Jul 18 2013 14:58:21 GMT-0700 (PDT) - Waiting.... You can override this message by supplying your own function.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

This option will trigger the run of each specified task at startup of the watcher.


Type: Boolean|Number|Object
Default: false

Set to true or set livereload: 1337 to a port number to enable live reloading. Default and recommended port is 35729.

If enabled a live reload server will be started with the watch task per target. Then after the indicated tasks have run, the live reload server will be triggered with the modified files.

See also how to enable livereload on your HTML.

Passing an object to livereload allows listening on a specific port and hostname/IP or over https connections (by specifying key and cert paths).


Type: String|Object
Default: process.cwd()

Ability to set the current working directory. Defaults to process.cwd(). Can either be a string to set the cwd to match files and spawn tasks or an object to set each independently.

To strip off a path before emitting events:

options: {
  cwd: {
    files: 'a/path',
    event: 'a/path'

This will strip off a/path before emitting events. This option is useful for specifying the base directory to use with livereload.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Option to prevent the livereload if the executed tasks encountered an error. If set to false, the livereload will only be triggered if all tasks completed successfully.

Usage Examples

watch: {
    css: {
        files: "**/*.sass",
        tasks: [ "sass" ],
        options: {
            livereload: true,

The wp_deploy task

See: gruntjs/grunt-contrib-imagemin

Using our configuration

We implement the following tasks:

  • trunk
    • The options.plugin_slug value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.build_dir value is set to artifact.
    • The options.plugin_main_file value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginMainFile.
    • The options.deploy_trunk value is set to true.
    • The options.deploy_tag value is set to false.
    • The options.max_buffer value is set to 10000 * 1024 (about 10MB).
    • The options.tmp_dir value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.svnCheckoutDir.
  • master
    • The options.plugin_slug value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.build_dir value is set to artifact.
    • The options.plugin_main_file value is read from the Grunt configuration: pluginMainFile.
    • The options.deploy_trunk value is set to true.
    • The options.deploy_tag value is set to false.
    • The options.assets_dir value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.assets.
    • The options.max_buffer value is set to 10000 * 1024 (about 10MB).
    • The options.tmp_dir value is read from the Grunt configuration: paths.svnCheckoutDir.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named wp_deploy to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    wp_deploy: {
        your_target: {  // The name of your target.
            options: {} // Target-specific file lists and/or options.
} )



Type: String
Default value: false

Your plug-in's slug as indicated by its repository url{plugin-slug}


Type: String
Default value: false

Use this option if the name of your plug-in's main file (the PHP file with WordPress plugin headers) differs from the slug name. Pass the full file name with extension, e.g.: my-plugin.php


Type: String
Default value: false

Your WordPress repository username. If not provided, you'll be prompted for this when the task runs.


Type: String
Default value: false

The directory where the plug-in exists as you want it on the repo.


Type: String
Default value: false

The directory where the plug-in's assets (i.e. screenshots) exist. This gets copied into the 'assets' directory in the root of your WordPress SVN repo. Typically this directory contains your plug-in's screenshots, which you want uploaded to the WordPress repo, but do not necessary want included in the plug-in distrubted to users. For more details see:


Type: String
Default value:{plugin-slug}/

For flexibilty this plug-in can work with other repos. Simple provide the SVN url, using {plugin-slug} as placeholder indicating where the plug-in slug should be.


Type: Integer
Default value: 200*1024

Sets the maximum buffer for the SVN checkout of the repo.


Type: String
Default value: /tmp/

Location where your SVN repository is checked out to. Note: Before the the repository is checked out <tmp_dir>/<plugin_slug> is deleted.


Type: Bool
Default value: false

If false, you will be asked for confirmation before commiting the plug-in to the repository. This will give you the opportunity to inspect the trunk in the options.tmp_dir to see what is being committed.


Type: Bool
Default value: true

Whether to deploy to trunk. This could be set to false to only commit the assets directory.


Type: Bool
Default value: true

Whether to deploy to a tag. You will need to have set to options.deploy_trunk to true. This can set to false to only deploy to trunk (e.g. when only updating the 'Tested up to' value and not deploying a release).

Usage Examples

grunt.initConfig( {
    wp_deploy: {
        deploy: { 
            options: {
                plugin_slug: "your-plugin-slug",
                svn_user: "your-wp-repo-username",
                build_dir: "build",     // Relative path to your build directory.
                assets_dir: "wp-assets" // Relative path to your assets directory (optional).
} )

The update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts task

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.useEditDistanceComapair value is set to true.
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.commitChangelog value is set to true,
    • The useANewLineAfterHeader value is set to true,
    • The defaultChangelogEntries value is set to "",
    • The daysToAddForNextRelease value is set to 14,
    • The useTodayasReleaseDate value is set to false,
    • The options.addTheseExtraFilesis set to a empty array [ ],


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )



Type: Boolean
Default: false

Setting this to true allows the deletion duplicate line items with a Distance Compare value higher than 90.


Type: String
Default value: ``


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Setting this to true will commit the changes made to git.


Type: String
Default value: null

The source and destination file to update the changelog section in.


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct the header.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Template used to create a new changelog header.

Note: Both VERSIONNUMBER and DATESTRING will be replaced by dynamic values


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct header in the changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct lines in the changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the cleaned (removed older entries) changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to replace the cleaned (removed older entries) changelog section with the new.


Type: String
Default value: ""

Optional value to add default entries to a new created section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Setting this will effect the format of the resulting changelog.


Type: Integer Default: 14

Setting this will effect the release date guessing to pick the next tuesday after 7 days before 14 (if default is used).


Type: Array if strings Default []

Setting this will add that file content (parsed) to the changelog


Type Boolean Default: false

Setting this will set the release date (if not already set) to today

Usages Example
update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            readmeFile: "./readme.txt",
            releaseInChangelog: /[=] \d+\.\d+(\.\d+)? =/g,
            matchChangelogHeader:  /[=]= Changelog ==\n\n/ig,
            newHeadertemplate: "== Changelog ==\n\n" +"= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + " =\nRelease Date: " + "DATESTRING"  + "\n\n",
            matchCorrectHeader: "= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + "(.|\\n)*?\\n(?=(\\w\+?:\\n|= \\d+[\.\\d]+ =|= Earlier versions =))",
            matchCorrectLines: "= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + "(.|\\n)*?(?=(= \\d+[\.\\d]+ =|= Earlier versions =))",
            matchCleanedChangelog: "= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + "(.|\\n)*= Earlier versions =",
            replaceCleanedChangelog: "= Earlier versions =",
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",
            defaultChangelogEntries: "",
            useANewLineAfterHeader: true,
            useEditDistanceCompare: true,
            commitChangelog: false,

The get-latest-pr-texts task

This is a support task for the update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts task.

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named get-latest-pr-texts to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )

Type: String
Default value: ``

Usages Example
get-latest-pr-texts: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",

The extract-extra-pr-texts-from-yoast-cli-md task

This is a support task for the update-package-changelog task.

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.outputFile value is set to "tmp/",
    • The options.deleteOutputFilevalue is set to false,
    • The options.findThesePackagesvalue is set to empty array,
    • The options.findTheseAddonsvalue is set to empty array,
    • The options.outputFoldervalue is set to "tmp/",


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named extract-extra-pr-texts-from-yoast-cli-md to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )

Type: String
Default value: ``


Type: String
Default value: "tmp/"

ths sets the filename, for items that are left over


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

If set to true the outputfile will be deleted (if exists) during initialize


Type: Array of Array of two strings Default value: []

Find these package items need items need to have this form: [packageheader to search for,filename to add found item]


Type: Array of Array of two strings Default value: []

Find these plugin items need items need to have this form: [pluginsheader to search for,filename to add found item]


Type: String
Default value: "tmp/"

Here the files contianing the items will be written to

Usages Example
extract-extra-pr-texts-from-yoast-cli-md: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",

The update-package-changelog task

This is a task.

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.useEditDistanceComparevalue is set to false
    • The options.commitChangelogvalue is set to false
    • The options.useANewLineAfterHeadervalue is set to false
    • The options.addTheseChangeLogsvalue is set to [ ]


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named update-package-changelog to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    update-package-changelog: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )

Type: Boolean
Default value: false


Type: Boolean
Default value: foalse


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

If set to true the outputfile will be deleted (if exists) during initialize


Type: Array of Array of two strings Default value: []

Find these package items need items need to have this form: [filename to chnagelog where to add,filename with items to add]

Usages Example
update-package-changelog: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",

The build-qa-changelog task

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.useEditDistanceComapair value is set to false.
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.useANewLineAfterHeader value is set to false.
    • The options.outputFile is set to .tmp/
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.addTheseExtraFilesis set to a empty array [ ],


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named build-qa-changelog to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    build-qa-changelog: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )



Type: Boolean
Default: false

Setting this to true allows the deletion of duplicate lines with a Distance Compare value higher than 90.


Type: String
Default value: ``


Type: String
Default value: .tmp/

The destination file to write the built changelog in.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Setting this will effect the format of the resulting changelog.


Type: Array of strings Default []

Setting this will add that file content (parsed) to the changelog

Usages Example
update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            readmeFile: ".tmp/",
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",
            useANewLineAfterHeader: false,
            useEditDistanceComapair: false,
            addTheseExtraFiles: [ ],

The download-qa-changelog task

This is a support task for the build-qa-changelog task.

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named get-latest-pr-texts to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )

Type: String
Default value: ``

Usages Example
get-latest-pr-texts: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",

The update-changelog-to-latest task

Using our configuration

We implement the following configuration:

  • options
    • The options.pluginSlug value is from the Grunt configuration: pluginSlug.
    • The options.commitChangelog value is set to true,
    • The options.useANewLineAfterHeader value is set to true,
    • The options.defaultChangelogEntries value is set to "",
    • The options.daysToAddForNextRelease value is set to 14,
    • The options.useTodayasReleaseDate value is set to false,
    • The options.changelogToInjectvalue is set to "",


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named update-changelog-to-latest to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

grunt.initConfig( {
    update-changelog-to-latest: {
        options: {},     // Global options.
        taskName: {      // The name of your task.
            options: {}, // Task-specific options.
} )



Type: String
Default value: ``


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Setting this to true will commit the changes made to git.


Type: String
Default value: null

The source and destination file to update the changelog section in.


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct the header.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Template used to create a new changelog header.

Note: Both VERSIONNUMBER and DATESTRING will be replaced by dynamic values


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct header in the changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the correct lines in the changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to match the cleaned (removed older entries) changelog section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: String
Default value: null

Regular expression to replace the cleaned (removed older entries) changelog section with the new.


Type: String
Default value: ""

Optional value to add default entries to a new created section.

Note: VERSIONNUMBER will be replaced by a dynamic value


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Setting this will effect the format of the resulting changelog.


Type: Integer Default: 14

Setting this will effect the release date guessing to pick the next tuesday after 7 days before 14 (if default is used).


Type Boolean Default: false

Setting this will set the release date (if not already set) to today


Type: String
Default value: ""

Setting this will replace the items whith the file content in the changelog

Usages Example
update-changelog-to-latest: {
    "wordpress-seo": {
        options: {
            readmeFile: "./readme.txt",
            releaseInChangelog: /[=] \d+\.\d+(\.\d+)? =/g,
            matchChangelogHeader:  /[=]= Changelog ==\n\n/ig,
            newHeadertemplate: "== Changelog ==\n\n" +"= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + " =\nRelease Date: " + "DATESTRING"  + "\n\n",
            matchCorrectHeader: "= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + "(.|\\n)*?\\n(?=(\\w\+?:\\n|= \\d+[\.\\d]+ =|= Earlier versions =))",
            matchCorrectLines: "= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + "(.|\\n)*?(?=(= \\d+[\.\\d]+ =|= Earlier versions =))",
            matchCleanedChangelog: "= " + "VERSIONNUMBER" + "(.|\\n)*= Earlier versions =",
            replaceCleanedChangelog: "= Earlier versions =",
            pluginSlug: "wordpress-seo",
            defaultChangelogEntries: "",
            useANewLineAfterHeader: true,
            changelogToInject: ".tmp/currentitems.txt"
            commitChangelog: false,

Release History


  • breaking change, the date format used in update-changelog-to-latest and update-changelog-with-latest-pr is changed from November 29th, 2022 to 2022-10-29


  • Adds update-changelog-to-latest Grunt task & config.


  • FIXES a issue with update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts.js selecting the todays date on a hotfix.


  • Adds update-package-changelog Grunt task & config.
  • Adds extract-extra-pr-texts-from-yoast-cli-md Grunt task & config.
  • Adds features to build-qa-changelog to use more input files
  • Adds features to update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts.js to use more input files


  • Fixes a issue with Z cutting of changelog lines
  • Fixes a issue with the install command. Props to chrisschwartze.


  • fix issue with finding correct yoast-cli option


  • Adds build-qa-changelog Grunt task & config.
  • Adds download-qa-changelog Grunt task & config.
  • Adds get-latest-pr-texts Grunt task & config.
  • Adds update-changelog-with-latest-pr-texts Grunt task & config.


  • Removes watch configuration for JS & CSS. From now on plugins need to have their own watch.js file.
  • Adds Grunt config file watching.
  • Fixes Config/Shell PHPCS command
  • Excludes Artifact and WordPress SVN checkout from POT file generation to prevent duplicates.


  • Bump version of grunt-contrib-compress to add node 12 support.


  • No longer use .min when generating RTL CSS files to be consistent with non-RTL files.


  • Fix the call to phpcs to be useful.
  • Breaking change: rename build to build-default.


  • Makes postcss use the new Yoast browserslist package to determine browsers we support.
  • Update autoprefixer to prevent version clashes with browserslist.


  • Fixes a bug where the stable version would not be updated in when running the update-version task.


  • Fixes a bug where the initializer regex in the update version config would never match.
  • The update-version task now accepts both strings and regexes in options.regEx.


  • Add .min as possible extension in rtlcss.
  • Move developmentBuild to grunt configuration.


  • Fixes the RTL configuration.


  • Adds task configurations.
  • Switches to Yoast grunt-glotpress variant.
  • Updates grunt-sass.
  • Adds dependency: node-sass.


  • Updates grunt-replace.
  • Adds dependency: cssnano.


  • Adds grunt dependencies: grunt, grunt-shell, grunt-replace, load-grunt-config.
  • Adds grunt contrib dependencies: grunt-contrib-clean, grunt-contrib-compress, grunt-contrib-copy, grunt-contrib-cssmin, grunt-contrib-imagemin, grunt-contrib-watch.
  • Adds linting dependencies: grunt-phpcs, grunt-eslint.
  • Adds css dependencies: grunt-postcss, autoprefixer, grunt-sass, grunt-rtlcss.
  • Adds translations dependencies: grunt-glotpress, grunt-wp-i18n, grunt-checktextdomain.
  • Adds deploy dependencies: grunt-wp-deploy, time-grunt.


  • Initial creation of the plugin.
  • Adds unit tests.