Welcome to BestMovies, a delightful web application crafted with love using ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework 6.0 with Identity. 🚀
Discover movie theaters and films in your area based on your IP address. BestMovies makes it easy to find entertainment tailored to your location using the ipinfo.io API. 🎭🎥
- Location Magic: Seamlessly determines your location via IP address with the help of the ipinfo.io API.
- Database Mastery: Manages a localDB with Microsoft SQL Server Manager, providing dedicated tables for theaters, movies, and users.
- ASP.NET MVC Goodness: Built on the solid foundations of ASP.NET MVC, featuring well-organized controllers, models, and views.
- Entity Framework Excellence: Leverages Entity Framework 6.0 for robust database operations, including migrations and data seeding.
- User Authentication Awesomeness: Employs ASP.NET Identity for secure user authentication, with features like login and registration.
- Cloudinary Charm: Elevates the visuals using Cloudinary for managing images related to theaters, movies, and user profiles.
- Repository Pattern Elegance: Adopts a repository pattern with interfaces for streamlined management of entities.
- Structure Matters: Keeps the codebase neat and tidy with organized folders such as Controllers, Models, Repository, Services, Enums, Helpers, Interfaces, and Views.
- ViewModel Brilliance: Implements separate view models for different functionalities, ensuring a clean and efficient design.
- AccountController: Your go-to for handling user authentication (Login, Register).
- DashboardController: Powers user dashboard-related functionalities.
- HomeController: The conductor for the main landing page.
- MovieController: Orchestrates movie-related operations (Create, Delete, Detail, Edit, Index).
- TheatreController: Directs theater-related operations (Create, Delete, Detail, Edit, Index).
- UserController: The maestro for user-related operations.
- Address: A model for storing address information.
- AppUsers: The heart of the application, representing our beloved users.
- ErrorViewModel: Ensures graceful handling of errors.
- Movies: The star-studded model for storing movie information.
- Theatre: The spotlight-stealing model for storing theater information.
- DashboardRepository: Responsible for dashboard-related operations.
- MovieRepository: The guardian of movie-related operations.
- TheatreRepository: The keeper of theater-related operations.
- UserRepository: The custodian of user-related operations.
- A magical realm containing enums for movie and theater categories.
- CloudinarySettings: The wizard behind the curtain for Cloudinary configuration.
- IPinfo: The messenger for making API calls to ipinfo.io.
- IDashboardRepository: The guide for the dashboard repository.
- IMovieRepository: The compass for the movie repository.
- ITheatreRepository: The compass for the theater repository.
- IUserRepository: The compass for the user repository.
- Separate folders for each model containing views for different actions.
I use xUnit, FakeItEasy and Fluent Assertions.
xUnit: A testing framework that keeps things simple and snappy. 🚦
FakeItEasy: Our backstage pass to mocking – perfect for faking it 'til you make it! 🎭
Fluent Assertions: Making assertions a breeze with a touch of flair. Fluent and fabulous! 💬
TheatreController: All Test Passed!
- Index() Passed!
- Detail() Passed!
- Edit() Passed!
- Delete() Passed!
MovieController: All Test Passed!
- Index() Passed!
- Detail() Passed!
- Edit() Passed!
- Delete() Passed!
TheatreRepository: All Test Passed!
- Add() Passed!
- GetByIdAsync() Passed!
- Delete() Passed!
- GetAll() Passed!
- Update() Passed!
MovieRepository: All Test Passed!
- Add() Passed!
- GetByIdAsync() Passed!
- Delete() Passed!
- GetAll() Passed!
- Update() Passed!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.